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Who Should SKT Choose for Worlds?

In game four of the 2016 Worlds semifinals, SK Telecom T1 were facing a tough challenge from the ROX Tigers. The Tigers had surprised SKT with a Miss Fortune pick by ROX support GorillA, bringing the Tigers to match point.

However, SKT coach kkOma made a clever decision to ban Miss Fortune and bring in substitute Bengi instead of Blank. Bengi played Nidalee, a champion he had never used on stage before, and dominated the game. The move was hailed as masterful.

Now, heading to this year’s Worlds, kkOma faces a similar challenge. SKT has four good players—junglers Peanut and Blank, and top laners Huni and Untara—but can only choose three. Who should the team put on their Worlds roster?


Huni is known for his aggressive playstyle, sometimes getting him into trouble. While he can give SKT two strong solo lanes that demand attention, his mistakes can snowball out of control. However, if he chooses his spots more wisely, he can give SKT an advantage in the late game.

With Huni appearing in photos posted by the official SKT Twitter page, there is speculation that he might be on the Worlds roster. But it’s difficult to draw conclusions from these posts. SKT may just be highlighting their more famous players. Untara and Blank are also with the team in China, as seen in their scrim schedules. It remains to be seen if kkOma will go back to Huni as the top lane starter.


Peanut, the mercurial young jungler, joined SKT last offseason. While he has been the starting jungler in most series this summer, he has been less aggressive, giving up a lot of his own style to conform with SKT’s. He hasn’t been as comfortable as he was with his previous team. SKT’s strong lanes usually give him control over the jungle, but he hasn’t been able to convert that into kills for his laners.


Blank made a name for himself this year with his incredible win streak. His job was to protect Faker, but he struggled against Longzhu when they focused elsewhere on the map. While Blank locks SKT into a mid-centric playstyle, their ceiling is higher with more options. Against the best teams at Worlds, they may need more flexibility than what Blank can provide.


Untara is a stable top laner who can absorb pressure and stabilize the team after an early deficit. While SKT seems comfortable with his tank picks, he is not as skilled as Huni. Despite this, he may be chosen for safety reasons, relying on his stability to make up for his lower skill level.

Ultimately, it is up to kkOma to decide the final roster. The decision is not easy, considering the skill and playstyles of each player. The final lineup may not be revealed until the Group Stage starts on Oct. 5 in Wuhan, China. It wouldn’t be surprising to see any combination of these four players at Worlds.