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Which Role is Most Effective for Climbing in Solo Queue?

League of Legends is a popular online game with different game modes. The most popular mode is ranked, where players fight to climb the ranks. Riot Games recently released statistical data on the ranked distribution, showing the percentages of players in each division.

League of Legends Rank Distribution

  • Iron 5.4%
  • Bronze 27%
  • Silver 34%
  • Gold 22%
  • Platinum 8.2%
  • Diamond 1.6%
  • Master 0.18%
  • Grandmaster 0.039%
  • Challenger 0.017%

From the data, we can see that the majority of players are in the Silver division. Many players get stuck at a certain rank because they are unsure of which champions to use or which role to focus on.

What Is The Best Role To Climb In Solo Queue?

The answer to this question depends on your skill level and rank. Each rank in League of Legends has its own META and champions that perform well. For example, Master Yi is strong in lower ranks but easily countered in higher ranks. To climb in Iron, Mid Lane or Mage champions are recommended. In Bronze, ADC or Top lane is the best choice. Support champions carry games in Silver, while Mid lane is the most flexible role in Gold. Platinum is considered the most challenging rank, and Mid lane is still the best role. In Diamond and above, roles like Jungle and Mid lane require advanced macro skills.

To climb in League of Legends, it’s important to consider mechanics, micro, and macro strategies. Practice and understanding the game’s mechanics will help you climb the ranks.

Finally, it’s important to note that the information provided here is based on statistical data and may vary for individual players. It’s always a good idea to adapt your strategy based on your own strengths and preferences.