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Which One is Better: Serylda’s Grudge or Lord Dominik’s Regards?

Playing against a tank can be frustrating, especially when they’re fed and have higher XP levels. It seems like no matter how much ability power or attack damage you have, you can’t make a dent in their defensive stats. However, if you’re up against a tank, armor penetration is the key to dealing with their high health bar. But which item should you choose for additional damage: Serylda’s Grudge or Lord Dominik’s Regards?

Both items are highly effective against tanks, penetrating through their armor. While they may seem similar in terms of stat boosts, they serve different purposes. Lord Dominik’s Regards is more suited for champions focused on dealing damage to high-health targets, while Serylda’s Grudge is better for closing the gap on enemies. It’s important to note that these items are not interchangeable and should be chosen based on the situation.

In the current meta, with the rise of tank builds like Sunfire Aegis, understanding armor penetration is crucial. If the enemy has any type of self-healing or sustain, it can be extremely difficult to take them down in team fights. That’s why it’s important to know when to buy each of these items.

Armor penetration is essential for taking down tanky builds. Tanks have strong scaling, so relying on armor (or magic) penetration is often the only way to defeat them. Whether the enemy has a high or low amount of armor, armor penetration allows you to ignore a percentage of it. This stat scales accordingly if the enemy has stacked a lot of armor.

However, armor penetration isn’t always necessary. In team fights, compositions that don’t require taking down the tank first can focus on the damage dealers. For example, compositions with global ultimates like Nocturne or Shen can simply dive onto the backline, disregarding the tank.

Not everyone benefits equally from buying armor penetration. Marksmen in League of Legends, who rely on auto attacks, benefit the most from armor penetration because each attack ignores a portion of the enemy’s armor. On the other hand, bruisers and assassins have other priorities and don’t necessarily need to take out the frontline.

Buying armor penetration is particularly useful in front-to-back team fights, where ADCs need to focus on the tank before reaching the damage dealers. In many cases, the team with the less tanky tank is at a disadvantage.

If you’re having trouble catching enemies, Serylda’s Grudge is the item for you. Its unique passive, Bitter Cold, slows opponents by up to 30%, allowing you to get on top of them and secure kills. This item is typically built as a third or fourth item and costs 3200 gold.

Serylda’s Grudge also offers 45 attack damage, 30 armor penetration, and 20 ability haste as base stats.

Ideal scenarios for buying Serylda’s Grudge include facing champions with multiple dashes or movement speed buffs. Use the slowing effect to kite them and gradually wear down their health to secure a kill.

On the other hand, if you’re struggling to deal with tanky units, Lord Dominik’s Regards is the item you need. Its passive, Giant Slayer, deals additional physical damage against enemy champions with greater max health than your own. This is perfect for ADCs who lack health but excel in attack speed and damage. Lord Dominik’s Regards costs 3000 gold and is usually built as a third or fourth item.

Lord Dominik’s Regards provides 30 additional attack damage, 20% critical strike chance, and 30% armor penetration.

You should consider incorporating this item into your build by the mid-game, especially when facing tanks with enormous amounts of health. Even if you don’t have much health yourself, Lord Dominik’s Regards will allow you to take down enemies more quickly. This item can be effective for bruisers or assassins with higher health than you.

Ultimately, the choice between Serylda’s Grudge and Lord Dominik’s Regards depends on the situation. Serylda’s Grudge provides a passive slow that helps with chasing down enemies, while Lord Dominik’s Regards deals bonus damage to high-health champions and provides extra critical strike chance. Consider your own preferences and the fed champions on the enemy team when making your decision.

Both items can be equally beneficial when used in the right circumstances. Serylda’s Grudge may have a slight advantage due to its versatility, but it’s important to assess the situation before making your choice. In some cases, you may not even need armor penetration if the enemy tank is struggling. Understanding the pros and cons of each item will help you make tanks feel like casters on Summoner’s Rift!