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Which ADCs are best to pair with Renata Glasc in League of Legends?

Renata Glasc in League of Legends

Renata Glasc is a new support champion in League of Legends. She was released in Patch 12.4, and players were excited to see her game-changing ultimate and the revival of her W ability.

Although she didn’t turn out to be as overpowered as some players expected, Renata Glasc has become quite popular in the current meta, which is dominated by late-game ADCs and hyper carries.

Now that almost a season has passed since her release, players have had enough time to master Renata Glasc as a support in the bottom lane. Here are the best AD carries to pair with her in League.

1. Draven

Renata Glasc rewards aggressive plays, and Draven is one of the most aggressive champions in the game. Draven’s high damage output in the early levels can quickly bully the enemy bot laners. Both champions have abilities that can set up each other for kills, and their ultimates can be combined for devastating effects. However, this duo requires coordination and aggressive playstyle to succeed.

2. Varus

Renata Glasc and Varus have been a popular pairing in various levels of play. Varus offers flexibility with his build path, and the attack speed and on-hit build synergize well with Renata’s kit. Their combined crowd control makes it easier for Varus to stack his passive and deal more damage. Renata’s Bailout ability also helps Varus survive or increase his damage output in sticky situations.

3. Kalista

Kalista is a unique champion that combines elements of Draven’s aggressive playstyle and Varus’ DPS/utility. Renata’s Bailout enhances Kalista’s trades by providing additional auto attacks and potential revives. Kalista’s passive makes her hard to hit, and her ultimate can be used in conjunction with Renata’s for unexpected engagements and repositioning. However, mastering Kalista requires strong mechanical skills and coordination with Renata.

4. Samira

While it may seem unusual to pair an enchanter like Renata with Samira, they can work well together. Renata’s Bailout can cover Samira’s main weakness and give her more tools to be aggressive. The combo between Renata’s Bailout and Samira’s Inferno Trigger is particularly powerful, allowing Samira to potentially get revives and resets on her abilities.

5. Kog’Maw

Despite not being a popular champion, Kog’Maw synergizes well with Renata. Kog’Maw’s late-game hyper-carry status is enhanced by Renata’s crowd control and Bailout ability. If Kog’Maw dies, he can still deal damage with his passive. However, Kog’Maw’s lack of mobility requires good positioning and game awareness to maximize this duo.

6. Twitch

Twitch may not seem like a strong pairing with Renata in the early stages, but they excel in teamfights. Renata can bait enemies into focusing on her while Twitch positions himself for max damage with his ultimate. Renata’s ultimate and Bailout can further enhance Twitch’s performance and protect him from being targeted. However, Twitch requires items to deal significant damage, so this duo may lack early-game power.

In conclusion, these are some of the best ADC champions to pair with Renata Glasc in League of Legends. Each champion offers unique strengths and synergies with Renata’s abilities. Mastering these duos requires coordination, mechanical proficiency, and an understanding of each champion’s strengths and weaknesses.

Renata Glasc, League of Legends, ADC, champions, duo, synergy, aggressive, Varus, Draven, Kalista, Samira, Kog’Maw, Twitch.