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When is the Right Time to Use Gathering Storm?

Runes are a fun aspect of League of Legends, offering a variety of options to enhance your champion’s power. One popular rune is Gathering Storm, which is especially effective on champions with high AD/AP ratios. Let’s take a closer look at this rune and when it’s best to use it.

What Is Gathering Storm?

Gathering Storm is a scaling rune that continues to increase your AD or AP as the game progresses. There is no cap on its power, but it’s most valuable in games that go beyond 20-30 minutes. This rune can be found in the Sorcery Rune Tree in the third row, far right.


Gathering Storm grants you additional Attack Damage or Ability Power based on the amount of time that has passed in the game. The stat you receive depends on which one you already have the most bonuses for. The values of AD and AP increase at different intervals, with AD ranging from 0 to 48 and AP ranging from 0 to 80 after 40 minutes.

Best Champions For Gathering Storm

Gathering Storm can benefit champions that rely heavily on Attack Damage or Ability Power for damage. Some examples include Aphelios, Ezreal, Annie, and LeBlanc. The rune is versatile and can be used on many different champions.

When To Take Gathering Storm?

If you’re unsure which rune to choose, Gathering Storm is a safe pick. It scales well into the late game and provides continuous value. However, if early game dominance is essential or you need immediate power, consider other runes. It’s crucial to assess the game length and when your champion needs to come online.


Gathering Storm is a powerful scaling rune that can greatly enhance your champion’s AD or AP. It should be chosen when you’re confident in reaching the late game without fear of early game failure. Consider your champion and game length when deciding whether to take Gathering Storm or other runes.