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When are League of Legends Ranks Reset?

The Ranked System: An Overview

Ranked games in League of Legends can be both loved and hated. It’s a way for players to see the progress they’ve made through things like ranked borders. But when do ranks reset? Let’s find out.

The rank system in League of Legends is constantly changing, especially with the influx of new players. This can make it harder to rank up, as there are more players taking up space in the system.

Ranks generally reset at the start of a new season, but where you place can vary. Season 12 brought about more drastic changes for players, both in initial placement and climbing. Riot doesn’t strictly follow a single rule and often adjusts the formulas.

Previously, soft resets made it easier for higher ranked players to get back to where they were. But for older players who improved their skills, it was difficult to climb due to their rank from the previous season influencing their placement.

The Result: Beautiful Chaos

Most players start in the same place after resets, resulting in Silver and Gold players matching up with higher-ranked players. This may seem unfair, but Riot is giving lower elo players a chance to climb with their improved skills.

For lower-ranked players, this is an opportunity to show off their skills and climb the ranks. Higher-ranked players may find it unfair as it takes longer to climb back to their original ranks. However, deserving players will eventually reach the higher ranks.

Final Thoughts

Resetting ranks may be controversial, but it allows for a recalibration and gives lower-ranked players a chance to prove themselves. How do you feel about the Season 12 changes? Let us know in the comments.