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What’s the Optimal Build for Ahri in League of Legends?

Ahri is a champion in League of Legends who can deal a lot of damage quickly. She can be difficult to master, but once you get the hang of her abilities, she can be extremely deadly.

Like other champions in League, Ahri can use different items depending on the situation in the game. However, there are some core items that are essential for maximizing her chances of success in the mid lane.

Best Build for Ahri in Season 12



Ahri’s goal is to one-shot enemy champions, particularly squishy carries. Electrocute helps maximize her damage output.

Taste of Blood allows Ahri to heal a bit while dealing damage, which helps her survive in fights.

Eyeball Collection allows Ahri to gain bonus ability power through eliminating opponents, making her stronger in the later stages of the game.

Ultimate Hunter is a great choice for Ahri because it grants ability haste, reducing her cooldowns and allowing her to get back into action faster.


Biscuit Delivery provides sustain for Ahri in the early levels, which can be challenging, especially against aggressive champions.

Time Warp Tonic works well with Biscuits to improve Ahri’s chances of surviving the early game without issues.

Ahri also gains two +nine Adaptive Force bonuses and +15 to 140 health (based on level).

Starting Items

Corrupting Potion is essential for Ahri’s early game survival. It provides health for staying alive and mana for dealing with creeps.

Core Items

Luden’s Tempest is the best item for Ahri in season 12. It provides ability power, ability haste, magic penetration, and mana. It also has a passive that helps Ahri clear waves and be a dangerous champion in early skirmishes.

Rabadon’s Deathcap is a must-have item for Ahri. It grants a significant amount of ability power and increases her overall ability power by 35 percent, making her stronger every time she purchases another AP item.

Zhonya’s Hourglass is not only a great defensive tool but also enhances Ahri’s ability power and ability haste.

Late-game Items

Sorcerer’s Shoes are the perfect choice for Ahri because they provide magic penetration, increasing her mobility and damage against opponents with magic resistance.

Morellonomicon ensures that high-damage, ability-power-based champions like Ahri are dealing maximum damage. It also inflicts Grievous Wounds on enemies, further adding to her damage output.

Void Staff assists in increasing Ahri’s damage output by ignoring a percentage of the target’s magic resistance. It also provides additional ability power.

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Ahri, League of Legends, champion, damage, items, core items, runes, Domination, Inspiration, starting items, late-game items