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What went wrong with Stormrazor in League’s Patch 9.3 and when is it worth buying now?

New Changes to Stormrazor in League of Legends

Stormrazor used to be a top choice for bot lane carries in League of Legends, but recently it’s been losing its popularity. With the release of Patch 9.3, major changes were made to bot lane carry items, including Stormrazor. Previously, Stormrazor provided a reliable early-game damage spike with an auto-crit at the start of combat. However, its design has completely changed.

Now, Stormrazor boosts all Energized effects by a percentage, applies a slow, and gives a flat 50 bonus damage on the opening attack in combat. This has shifted the priority and playstyle of the item. Previously, almost all marksmen would rush Stormrazor, but now it’s no longer a must-buy item. Instead, marksmen have the option of rushing Infinity Edge or Blade of the Ruined King depending on their playstyle. Stormrazor has become a niche item, but can still be deadly in the right hands.

When to Buy Stormrazor

Jhin, Corki, Draven, Sivir, Kindred, and Graves are champions who benefit from Energized passives and can make good use of Stormrazor. These champions will want to consider buying Stormrazor as their first item. Jhin, for example, works well with Fleet Footwork and the Rapidfire Cannon, making Stormrazor a great choice for him. AD junglers like Kindred and Graves can also benefit from the crowd control provided by Stormrazor.

Overall, the changes to Stormrazor have had a significant impact on the bot lane meta in League of Legends. It’s important for players to adapt to these changes and explore new item options in order to stay competitive.

Stormrazor, League of Legends, bot lane carries, Patch 9.3, item changes, marksmen, niche item, Infinity Edge, Blade of the Ruined King, Jhin, Corki, Draven, Sivir, Kindred, Graves, bot lane meta