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What We Can Learn About Poke Comps from Sniper Manuals


League of Legends is a complex game that takes time to understand. However, there are still many things to learn about the game, especially when it comes to poke compositions. In this article, we will explore the basic mechanics of a poke comp and how it can be applied to League of Legends.

Training for poke champions and compositions

Practice makes perfect, and this is especially true for professional gamers. When training as a sniper, it’s important to use the same equipment and champions that you would in a real game. Practice on visible targets to improve your skills, and then move on to more realistic scenarios like scrimmages or normal games.

Key concepts and the set-up

Poke compositions require a certain type of map movement and vision control. They can’t be slotted into any team composition and expected to succeed. It’s important to have a clear plan and team cohesion when playing a poke comp. Additionally, having a “spotter” to protect and observe for the sniper is crucial.


The key to maximizing damage in a poke composition is where you position yourself. You can focus on controlling a single avenue of approach or retreat, group up in a single strong area, or disperse in smaller groups. Each approach has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Vision control and stealth

Vision control plays a crucial role in the success of a poke comp. It’s important to see without being seen in order to get good shots on the enemy. Avoiding encounters with the enemy and taking advantage of lines of drift can help you stay hidden and maintain control of the game.

Taking a shot

When taking a shot as a sniper, patience is key. You need to consciously select and prioritize your targets, aiming specifically at them rather than a general area. Coordinate with other snipers if necessary. After taking a shot, react to other targets and then disengage to a safer position.


In a fight against a sniper, awareness and communication are crucial. Knowing the enemy’s location and communicating it to your team can help you evade their shots and counter-engage. Mislead the enemy with your movement patterns and build tank stats to survive the engagements.


There’s a lot to learn about League of Legends from different sources. Poke compositions are already strong, but with a more formulaic approach, they can become even more formidable. Prioritizing vision, objectives, and enemies, practicing skillshots, and improving map movement will make you a better player in both professional and solo-queue games.