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What is Tyler1’s Height?

If you’re a fan of Riot Games and keep up with their news, you’ve probably heard of the ‘How Tall is Tyler1’ joke. This joke originated in 2018 at TwitchCon and has been popular in the League of Legends community ever since.

The joke revolves around Tyler1, a popular Twitch streamer, who claimed to be six foot five during his streams. However, at TwitchCon 2018, he was standing next to a Riot employee, Mel Capperino-Garcia, who is actually six feet tall with heels. This disproved Tyler1’s claim and gave birth to the iconic meme. His real height is five foot six.

Tyler Steinkamp, also known as tyler1, is known for being toxic in the League community. He has over 5 million followers on Twitch and is ranked as one of the top 30 streamers. He is also famous for being the first streamer to reach challenger with all five different roles in the game.

Now, let’s delve into the origin of the meme and its significance.

Origin – Where It All Began

The meme originated from TwitchCon 2018. During the ‘Rumble of the Rift’ match, Tyler1 and Riot employee Mel Capperino-Garcia had a noticeable height difference during the post-match interviews.

Later, a photoshopped image of Tyler1 being much shorter circulated online. Mel Garcia retweeted the tweet, which gained traction and started the ‘How Tall is Tyler1?’ meme.

The Truth – Tyler1’s Actual Height

How Tall is Tyler1? League of Legends

After the meme went viral, Tyler1 revealed that his actual height is five foot six, not six foot five as he had previously claimed. The League community had fun with the meme, creating their own variations and trolling.

The Resurgence – Doublelift and MrBeast’s Role

The meme resurfaced when Riot invited MrBeast and Doublelift to play alongside Tyler1 in the Season 12 preseason. During the stream, there was a discussion about the ‘How Tall is Tyler1?’ meme, and Tyler1 became defensive about his height.

After making excuses, Tyler1 insisted that he was actually six foot five and had even been measured on stream. He ended the stream with some profanities, while MrBeast and Doublelift struggled to contain their laughter.

Doublelift even joked, “Yeah, usually people who are six foot five aren’t constantly bringing it up. I gotta say, the last time I saw Tyler IRL, I cast a shadow over him. It was humiliating.”

The Takeaway

Being in the spotlight has its pros and cons. While having millions of fans is great, there are also millions of others waiting to ridicule and humiliate you. Tyler1 experienced this firsthand, but as they say, “There is no such thing as bad publicity.”