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What is the most optimal Zilean build in League of Legends?

Welcome to the Future of League of Legends

Calling all League of Legends players, get ready to control Summoner’s Rift with the power of Zilean, Runeterra’s very own Chronokeeper. With a variety of crowd control and utility abilities, along with a game-changing ultimate, Zilean can turn the tides of any teamfight. From spacing out skirmishes to bombarding enemies with explosives, Zilean’s versatility makes him a valuable asset to any team.

While traditionally played in the mid lane or support positions, Zilean has recently seen an increase in playrate in solo queue. To help you make the most of Zilean in Season 12, here is the best build for the Chronokeeper in League of Legends.


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Summon Aery: Zilean excels in dealing damage as a control mage while also providing support to his allies. Summon Aery is the perfect middle ground rune for Zilean, allowing him to fulfill both roles effectively in teamfights and laning phase.

Manaflow Band: Zilean relies heavily on mana to utilize his utility and crowd control. With extended teamfights becoming more common, having a deep mana pool with Manaflow Band ensures that Zilean can make an impact without running out of resources.

Transcendence: Late-game teamfights require Zilean to constantly cast his abilities. Transcendence grants him additional ability haste, allowing him to use his Time Bombs and support his teammates more frequently.

Scorch: This rune provides Zilean with bonus damage in lane, making it easier for him to poke down opponents and set up potential ganks from his teammates.


Biscuit Delivery: As a champion who needs to be relatively close to enemies, Zilean can often take unfavorable trades in lane. Biscuit Delivery provides him with sustain in terms of health and mana, ensuring he can continue casting spells and trading effectively.

Time Warp Tonic: Zilean’s spells have high mana costs, making it important for him to keep the pressure on his opponents. Time Warp Tonic allows Zilean to maintain aggression without worrying about mana regeneration.

Bonuses: +10% attack speed, +9 adaptive force, +6 armor


Starting items: Doran’s Ring, two health potions

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In the early game, Doran’s Ring provides Zilean with additional ability power and minion damage, allowing him to clear waves efficiently and potentially set up ganks for his jungler. If playing as a support, consider starting with Spellthief’s Edge instead.

Core items: Everfrost, Sorcerer’s Shoes, Archangel’s Staff

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Everfrost is an essential item for Zilean, as it allows him to root enemies and unleash devastating Time Bomb combos. The slow from Everfrost makes it easier to hit his bombs and activate stuns. Archangel’s Staff is a great second item for Zilean, providing increased mana pool and damage for the later stages of the game.

Final items: Cosmic Drive, Zhonya’s Hourglass, Banshee’s Veil, Void Staff

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Zilean’s lack of escape tools and survivability can make him vulnerable in fights. To address this, Cosmic Drive, Zhonya’s Hourglass, and Banshee’s Veil are recommended as final items. These items provide movement speed, invulnerability, and spell shield respectively, giving Zilean more survivability. Void Staff can also be purchased if additional damage against magic resistance is needed.