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What is the Meaning of “Diff” in League of Legends?

Every game has its own language, and the language of League of Legends is a bit different and more toxic than others. There are specific terms used to communicate actions and strategies in the game, such as setting up a gank, roaming to help, pushing towers, or calling for assistance. If you’ve been playing League of Legends for a while, you may have heard phrases like “jpdiff,” “botdiff,” “midriff,” “gg ez,” “ez mid,” or “ez bot.” You may have even encountered players in all chat calling you “ez” after killing you. The term “diff” is one that many players struggle with, so let’s dive in and discover its meaning, along with other commonly used terms.

Diff refers to the difference in performance between the same roles on different teams. For example, “jpdiff” means that the jungle champions on one team dominated the game, while the enemy jungle champions were unable to do anything, which ultimately cost them the game. It’s unclear exactly when or why this slang term came about, but it started as an exaggerated way to describe one role having a greater impact than the others. Typing “bot diff” in all chat means that your team’s bot lane outperformed the opposing team’s bot lane. There are many other slangs and terms used in League of Legends, so let’s take a closer look at some of the most common ones.

Commonly Used Terms in League of Legends:

‘gg’: This term means “good game.” Opponent players typically type “gg” at the end of a match or series to convey that they had fun playing against you. You may also receive “gg” messages from your teammates if they enjoyed your contributions to the game. However, some players use “gg” to tilt their opponents or trash-talk them after a kill.

‘TP’: “TP” stands for teleportation. It’s a targeted summoner spell that allows champions to teleport to a friendly location on the map, such as a minion, turret, or ward. Teleportation is often used to set up ganks or escape dangerous situations.

‘Noob’: This term refers to a newbie or a player who has recently started playing the game. It can be used as an insult or to criticize someone’s gameplay.

‘Roam’: To roam means to move between lanes during the laning phase. Support and jungle champions often roam to set up ganks or help defend turrets. Roaming is an essential strategy in the game that can help secure early kills.

‘Farm’: Farming refers to earning gold by killing lane minions, jungle monsters, champions, and destroying structures. Carry champions need a good farm to win the game. Other team members may sacrifice themselves to create space and allow the carry to farm and carry the game.

‘ez’: “Ez” is short for “easy” and is used to taunt or provoke the enemy team. Players often use it in chat after killing an enemy champion, winning a lane, or winning the entire game.

What Does ‘Diff’ Mean in League of Legends:

Diff is a term that originated in League of Legends but has also spread to other games by Riot, such as Valorant. It is used to acknowledge the difference in performance between similar aspects of the game on different teams, such as champions, lanes, or roles. Here are some different types of “diff” slangs used in League of Legends:

‘JPDIFF’: This term refers to a team’s jungle champions having a more significant impact on the game than the enemy team’s jungle champions.

‘BOTDIFF’: “Botdiff” stands for bottom lane difference. It means that one team’s bottom lane performed better than the opponent’s, winning fights and obtaining more last hits during the laning stage. This early advantage can help the team’s champion carry the game.

‘MID DIFF’: “Middiff” means that one team’s mid champion won the lane dominantly against the other team’s mid laner. Winning the mid lane is crucial, as it sets the tempo for the rest of the game.

‘TOP DIFF’: “Topdiff” indicates that your team’s top laner significantly outperformed the enemy’s top laner in the 1v1 tank lane.

Significance of Slangs in League of Legends:

While slangs can be annoying and distracting, they serve an important purpose in the game. They allow players to convey important information in a concise manner, using only a few words instead of a whole sentence. For example, typing “tp bot” informs your team that you’re going to teleport to the bottom lane to help or defend the tower. Chat messages that are too long can often be overlooked, so slangs make communication easier, especially since voice chat is not commonly used in League of Legends. Additionally, these video game slangs have become part of popular culture and are used outside of the games by non-gamers as well.