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What is the ideal role of luck in competitive League of Legends?

Luck’s Role in League of Legends Esports and Riot’s Handling of It

League of Legends (LoL) has always been considered a game based on skill. Fans attribute their favorite teams’ wins to their superior gameplay. However, luck also plays a significant role in determining the outcome of professional matches. This luck can take various forms, from obvious factors like critical chance to less visible ones like the impact of new metas on competitive play. In this article, we will explore the influence of luck on macro concepts in LoL and analyze Riot’s approach to it.

The Importance of Luck

In sports, luck has always been a factor that can significantly affect game performance. Factors such as the bounce of a ball or the dimensions of a nonstandard field can determine the outcome of a game or even a season. An undergraduate thesis by an MIT student named Cam Douglas revealed that luck plays a vital role in LoL esports. Based on his statistical analysis, Douglas concluded that while best-of-one leagues like NA LCS are primarily skill-driven, luck still has a considerable impact.

Douglas also compared LoL to other sports like cycling and basketball and found that LoL is more influenced by luck. In terms of the luck vs. skill spectrum, LoL falls somewhere between baseball and American football. A notable example of luck’s influence on LoL esports is the success of SK Telecom T1, which won multiple championships due to favorable metas and the 2014 Korean exodus.

Controversies Regarding Luck

Recently, Riot made significant changes to the Rift Scuttler, introducing randomness into its appearance on the map. This decision sparked immediate backlash from the LoL community, including professional coaches, players, and analysts. The meta changes that followed further disrupted the game, leading to concerns about potential impacts on the competitive scene and league rankings. However, despite these changes, the top teams from the Spring Split have remained strong in various leagues worldwide.

The Positive Side of Luck

While luck can be seen as a negative factor, it actually plays a crucial role in making esports like LoL interesting. If the game were perfectly balanced and skill alone determined outcomes, it would become monotonous to watch. A perfectly solved game like chess, where memorized openings are standard, can lack excitement. Therefore, even if LoL were in a perfect state, Riot’s gameplay teams would still introduce changes to keep the game fresh.

Reducing the Impact of Variance

Although variance is necessary for the game’s excitement, steps can be taken to minimize its disruptive effects on professional play. Riot should involve team representatives in the development and balance process at an early stage. While community response forums like the PBE focus on bugs and gameplay, professional players and coaches should provide input on balance and variance decisions. It is essential for Riot to appreciate the efforts of coaches and analysts who work tirelessly and ensure their opinions are heard.


While skill is the foundation of success in LoL esports, luck also plays a significant role. Understanding the impact of luck and finding the right balance between skill and chance is key to promoting fair competition. Riot’s continuous efforts to keep the game fresh are appreciated, but involving professional players and coaches in decision-making processes is necessary for reducing the disruptive effects of variance. By considering the opinions of those who manage and analyze the game at a high level, Riot can create a more inclusive and engaging esports experience for all players and fans.

League of Legends, LoL esports, luck, skill, random outcomes, meta changes, Rift Scuttler, competitive scene, professional play, variance, balance, gameplay decisions, involvement of players and coaches, fairness.