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What is the Ideal Creep Score (CS) to Aim for in 10 Minutes?

League of Legends is a competitive team game where you face your enemies and strive to defeat them. If you want to play League of Legends, it is recommended to learn how to gather gold quickly.

Most players already know the term “farming,” which is fundamental to the game. Farming involves earning gold by killing minions and other players. However, some players find farming difficult because it takes a lot of time or they struggle with last hitting the minions. To improve, players should learn the basics, practice more, and pay attention to their CS count.

What is Farming?

Farming is the best way to gather gold in the game. It involves staying in the lane and clearing waves of minions to earn gold. Experienced players prefer to keep their lane play level and focus on farming, especially in the early to mid-game. The game has different types of minions, each giving different amounts of gold. Aside from minions, farming also includes killing or assisting monsters in the jungle.

Manage Your CS Farming!

Controlling your CS (creep score) is crucial for efficient farming. There are three important techniques to manage your lane waves: “Fast Push,” “Slow Push,” and “Freezing the Lane.”

Let’s Start by Explaining the Fast Push.

A fast push involves gathering a big wave of minions and pushing them onto the enemy’s side. This can be done when the enemy is away from the lane or to pressure them to come back and not miss gold. It can also be used when you want to dive under the opponent’s tower or help an ally in another lane.

Freezing the Lane

Freezing the lane means separating the enemy from the farm to reduce their gold income. This can be done by constantly using your champion’s abilities and only last hitting minions. Freezing the lane requires alertness and observation of the enemy team’s movements, particularly the opponent in your lane and their jungle.

Slow Push

A slow push is usually done in the late stages of the game. It involves creating a large wave of minions to slowly push the enemy minions away. This gives you time to leave the lane and help an ally or accomplish an objective.

How much CS should you have at the 10th minute of the game?

The number of CS you should have by the tenth minute depends on your skill and experience with the game. On average, aiming for 7-8 CS per minute is a decent goal for new players. Experienced players can aim for 9-10 CS per minute, while PRO players often farm 11-13 CS per minute.

How to Improve the CS per Minute?

Improving CS per minute requires practice and focus. You can practice farming with friends in practice mods or custom matches. Set clear goals and gradually work towards improving your CS. Testing yourself and setting higher goals can also help improve your performance.


Farming is a critical factor in League of Legends and can determine your success in the game. Mastering wave management techniques like slow pushing and freezing the lane can greatly improve your CS. To score a high CS per minute, you need to hone your skills, understand the farming process, and practice consistently. By following these steps, you can aim for a higher creep score and improve your gameplay. Thank you for reading!