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What is Input Buffering and Why Is It So Powerful?

Slow pushing your lane in League of Legends is a critical strategy for climbing the ranked ladder. Understanding the game mechanics, like input buffering, is key to gaining an advantage over your opponents and maximizing your potential.

Input buffering is a powerful tool that allows you to queue up abilities to be used immediately after other actions, such as summoner spells, have been cast. It can catch your opponents off guard and give you an edge in various situations.

Surprisingly, many players are not aware of input buffering and how to use it effectively to win more games. In this article, we will explore what input buffering is, why it’s powerful, and how to use it in your gameplay.

What is Input Buffering and Why Is It OP?

Input buffering is the technique of queuing up an ability to be used immediately after other actions have been cast. This allows you to cast your ability as soon as you’re in range, giving your opponents less time to react.

Summoner spells like flash are great examples of buffering abilities. By input buffering flash, you can cast an ability before your opponents can respond or reposition themselves.

How To Input Buffer The Abilities Of Your Champion?

To understand how to input buffer your abilities, let’s use the example of playing Annie. If you want to cast her ultimate (Tibbers) just outside of her ability range, you can cast the ability and then flash to get in range quickly. This will ensure that your ability is performed as soon as you flash, making it difficult for your opponents to react.

It’s important to note that flashing before casting the ability will result in a delay, allowing your opponents to avoid it. Flashing after casting the ability will ensure that it is performed immediately after the flash, giving your opponents less time to react.

Myth About Input Buffer

There are some myths surrounding input buffering. One myth is that it is a setting that can be turned on or off. In reality, input buffering is a mechanical feature that is accessible to all players. There are no settings modifications required to use input buffering effectively.

Another myth is that input buffering is only used by players who are unsure of how to use it. In reality, input buffering can be a powerful tool for experienced players to cast abilities more quickly and effectively.

Why Is Input Buffering Important?

Input buffering can significantly improve your gameplay and give you an advantage over your opponents. It allows you to adjust your game settings to suit your preferences and playstyle. Input buffering in League of Legends is a beneficial feature that can help you win games and defeat your adversaries.

Using input buffering can make your abilities, like Annie Tibbers, faster when combined with flash. This can help you initiate fights and attacks more effectively.

Riot Games and Input Buffering

Riot Games has implemented input buffering into almost every ability in League of Legends. This feature allows players to queue up their next ability while performing another action, giving them the ability to execute combos and perform dazzling moves.

Specific champions like Lee Sin and Irelia have benefited from the development of input buffering technology, making it easier to apply input buffering to their abilities. Riot Games plans to expand the use of input buffering to all abilities in the future.

Final Thoughts

Using input buffering effectively can give you a significant edge over your opponents. It requires practice to master, but once you do, you’ll be able to land your abilities before your opponents can react. Take the time to learn and practice input buffering to improve your gameplay and climb the ranked ladder.