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What Does “Diff” Refer to in League of Legends?

Every game has its own unique language, and the lingo in League of Legends is no exception. However, it’s important to note that the community in League of Legends tends to be more toxic compared to other games. In the game, there are certain terms used to communicate actions, such as setting up a gank, roaming to help, pushing towers, or calling for assistance. If you’ve been playing League of Legends for a while, you may have come across phrases like “jpdiff,” “botdiff,” “midriff,” “gg ez,” “ez mid,” or “ez bot.” You may have even experienced players typing “ez” in all chat after killing you. One term that players often struggle with is “diff,” so let’s dive in and explore its meaning, along with some other commonly used terms.

Diff simply refers to the difference in performance between two players in the same role on different teams. For example, “jpdiff” means that one team’s jungle champion has dominated the game, while the enemy jungle champion has had little impact, leading to their team’s loss, or vice versa.

The origin of this slang is hard to pinpoint, but it started as a hyperbole to highlight one role having a greater impact than the other in the game. For instance, typing “bot diff” in all chat means that your team’s bot lane has completely outperformed the opposing team’s bot lane. Throughout the game, you’ll come across numerous slangs, so let’s take a closer look at some of the most commonly used terms in League of Legends.

– ‘gg’: Short for “good game,” players usually type this at the end of a match or series to express that they had fun playing against you. Your teammates may also type “gg” to show appreciation for your contribution to the game. However, some players use it as a way to taunt and tilt others by typing “gg” in all chat after killing an enemy.

– ‘TP’: Short for “teleportation,” this refers to a summoner spell that allows champions to teleport to a friendly location on the map, such as a minion, turret, or ward. It is commonly used to set up ganks or to escape dangerous situations. The teleportation process takes around 7 to 8 seconds in League of Legends.

– ‘Noob’: This term is used to describe a newbie or a player who is relatively new to the game. It can be used both as an insult and as a way to criticize someone’s gameplay.

– ‘Roam’: To roam means to move between different lanes during the laning phase. Support and jungle roles often roam to set up ganks on enemy players or to assist in defending turrets. Roaming is a crucial tactic in the game as it helps secure early kills.

– ‘Farm’: Farming refers to earning gold by killing minions, jungle monsters, champions, and structures. Carry champions heavily rely on farming to succeed in the game. Other teammates may sacrifice themselves to create space and secure farm for the carry player, enabling them to carry the team to victory.

– ‘ez’: Short for “easy,” players often spam this term in all chat to enrage and provoke their opponents. It is typically used after killing a champion, winning a lane, or winning the entire game.

Now, let’s dive into the meaning of “diff” in League of Legends, along with some different types of “diff” slangs commonly used in the game.

Diff is a term that originated in League of Legends and has made its way into other Riot games like Valorant. It is used to acknowledge the difference between similar aspects of the game on different teams, such as champions, lanes, or roles. Here are a few examples:

– ‘JPDIFF’: Refers to the jungle role having a more significant impact on the game compared to the enemy team’s jungle role.

– ‘BOTDIFF’: Stands for bottom lane. If one team’s bottom lane outperforms the other team’s bottom lane, it is called “botdiff.” This means that one team has won fights and secured more last hits in the laning phase, providing an early advantage for their champions to carry the game.

– ‘MID DIFF’: Refers to one team’s mid champion dominating their lane against the opposing team’s mid laner. Winning the mid lane is crucial as the mid laner often sets the tempo for the game, potentially leading to victories in other lanes as well.

– ‘TOP DIFF’: Relates to the top lane, which predominantly features tank champions in a 1v1 lane against the enemy’s top laner. If one team’s top laner significantly outperforms the enemy’s top laner, it is called “topdiff.”

Slangs in League of Legends may seem irritating and distracting at times. However, they serve an important purpose by conveying important information concisely. Instead of typing out a full sentence, players can use slangs to communicate actions and strategies in the game quickly. For example, “tp bot” indicates that a player plans to teleport to the bot lane to help or defend the bot tower.

In League of Legends, voice chat is not commonly used, so these slangs make it easier for players to communicate and coordinate with their teammates. Additionally, these video game slangs have become part of popular culture and are now used outside of the gaming community by people who may not even play the game.

Slangs evolve with the game, reflecting the community’s language and the strategies involved. As a player, it’s important to familiarize yourself with these terms to better understand and communicate with your teammates.