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What does a hyper carry mean in League of Legends?

The Influence of AD Carry and the Rise of Hyper Carry in League of Legends

When it comes to League of Legends, the AD carry position holds significant influence as players can easily turn the tides of a game. With the word “carry” in its title, AD carry players are expected to take charge and lead their team to victory.

However, there is an evolved version of this role known as the “hyper carry.” This term is often mentioned on official League esports broadcasts, especially in relation to champions that excel in the later stages of the game.

During the late-game, AD carries become the focal point of their teams as they deal substantial damage in teamfights, occasionally single-handedly winning games. When a team has a hyper carry, they rely on that champion to completely take over the game and secure a victory.

A hyper carry is a champion that dominates the late stages of a game when all players have completed their builds. They become the strongest damage-dealer among all champions.

When a team includes a hyper carry in their composition, their entire game plan revolves around that champion. They place their faith in the hyper carry to deliver them a win.

The Difference Between a Carry and a Hyper Carry

Image via Riot Games

A traditional carry champion and a hyper carry both have the potential to lead their teams to victory. However, a hyper carry is almost always a team’s sole win condition. Unlike traditional carries who may not be essential in late-game teamfights, teams with hyper carries will always rely on their champion to deal damage and secure victories.

Hyper carries also have unique team compositions built around them. While traditional carries can function independently, hyper carries often have other champions supporting them. Peel-heavy tanks and enchanter supports are commonly seen alongside hyper carries in the ADC position.

Identifying Hyper Carry Champions

Aphelios' classic blue-and-purple splash art.
Image via Riot Games

Hyper carries primarily play the AD carry position. Champions like Kog’Maw, Tristana, Aphelios, Twitch, and Jinx are known for excelling in this role.

However, hyper carries aren’t limited to the ADC position. Although less common, they can be found in the jungle, mid lane, and top lane as well. Champions like Kayle, Master Yi, and Ryze scale incredibly well into the late-game and serve as the primary damage dealers for their teams in crucial teamfights.

League of Legends, AD carry, hyper carry, champions, team composition