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Weibo Gaming’s huanfeng dominates Team WE in their opening match of the 2022 LPL Spring Split

Weibo Gaming Scores First Series Win in LPL Spring Split

Weibo Gaming, formerly Suning Gaming, secured their first series win of the 2022 LPL Spring Split with an impressive performance against Team WE.

The opening game of this League of Legends series showcased a battle between WE mid laner Shanks and WBG AD carry huanfeng, both aiming to lead their teams to victory. The back-and-forth action between WE ADC Stay and huanfeng began with a solo kill on the WE bot laner at the 11-minute mark. As a result, the runner-up of Worlds 2020 claimed the solo first turret gold and gained complete control of the bottom half of the map.

Despite this control, WE managed to maintain both the lead and tempo until the 32-minute mark, thanks to Shanks’ outstanding performance on Corki. However, the tides turned when a failed engage on huanfeng resulted in WE losing two players while also taking down WBG’s jungler SofM.

WBG then headed towards the Baron and secured the objective. This allowed them to gain a significant tempo advantage, ultimately leading to their victory in game one.

During the second game, nothing went in favor of WE. Shanks’ Corki was immediately shut down from start to finish. WBG mid laner Angel effectively countered Shanks’ pushes, while huanfeng capitalized on their bottom lane advantage to secure a quick 25-minute win and their first series victory of the 2022 LPL Spring Split.

WBG’s huanfeng and Angel stood out as the primary damage dealers in their opening Spring Split series. Huanfeng excelled on Aphelios against WE, achieving an impressive 15 kills with only three deaths across the 2-0 series. Meanwhile, Angel consistently made an impact in both games without getting killed once.

Throughout 2022, WBG aims to make continuous improvements after failing to qualify for Worlds 2021. With one of the region’s top top laners and a core lineup that reached the World Finals, Weibo Gaming has set its sights on first place in the LPL Spring Split.

Upcoming Matches

WBG will face off against LPL superteam Bilibili Gaming in the final match of week one on Jan. 16. As for WE, they’ll look to bounce back from their tough loss when they go up against Victory Five in the preceding match.

Weibo Gaming, LPL Spring Split, Team WE, League of Legends, huanfeng, Angel, Shanks, series win, Worlds 2022, top laners, Bilibili Gaming, Victory Five.