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Week 3 CBLoL Preview featuring Lira

CBLoL Week 3 Preview: Get Ready for Some Ban Drama

This week in CBLoL, the biggest news revolves around paiN gaming’s Mylon (Top) being banned after showing his middle finger on camera. Mylon has been suspended for 2 weeks and will not be playing against Operation Kino (2nd) and CNB E-sports Club (6th). This ban comes after paiN and INTZ received penalties for lineup irregularities, resulting in the loss of 2 and 4 points respectively. This Saturday, we have Bizarro paiN gaming vs Skybart’s Operation Kino, G3X vs INTZ, and on Sunday, we’ll see CNB vs RED Canids and Keyd Stars vs Kabum. Let’s dive in:

OPK (2nd) X (Bizarro) paiN gaming (3rd)

In this matchup, brTT (ADC now playing in the toplane) will face off against Theusma(ADC). SirThulio, Kami, TheFoxz, and Picoca will also be competing against their respective opponents. Despite the challenge paiN gaming faces with their main top laner absent, they still have hope in their coach MiT and his playbook. However, it will be difficult for them to defeat the strong Operation Kino team, especially with Skybart leading the charge. This game is sure to be exciting, but the prediction is OPK 2 x 0 paiN.

G3X(4th) x INTZ (5th)

G3X and INTZ have been inconsistent so far in the tournament. INTZ, being the clear favorites, must continue to improve in the regular season to have a chance against paiN and Keyd in the playoffs. Both teams have similar gold distribution strategies, so the outcome will rely on decision-making and player skill. The prediction is INTZ 2 x 0 G3X, unless G3X can take advantage of INTZ’s slower pace in the midgame.

CNB (5th) x RED Canids (4th)

CNB is struggling, with two losses already, and there’s no sign of improvement. On the other hand, RED is determined to reach the playoffs despite their low point total. CNB is in a messy state, and even their coach Djoko seems off. The prediction is Red 1 x 1 CNB, as RED is the stronger team, but CNB has the potential to bounce back after two bad weeks.

Keyd (1st) x Kabum (4th) – Highlight match of the week

This match features some fantastic individual talent in the mid and botlane. esA and Matsukaze are outstanding soloQ players, and Tinhows and Takeshi are known for their ability to carry games. The midlaners’ task is to play a lower econ to allow their ADCs to shine in the strong ADC meta. In the top lane, LEP and Robo will engage in a splitpushing war. This game has the potential to be a bloodbath, with the ADCs stealing the show. The prediction is Keyd Stars 2 x 0 Kabum, but the duel between esA and Matsukaze will certainly be exciting.

And that wraps up this week’s CBLoL preview. Stay tuned to golper10 for more CBLoL news, previews, and reviews. Remember to follow @Golper10 and @L_ira for weekly CBLoL updates. Enjoy the games!

Watch CBLoL @ 13h (GMT -3) every Saturday and Sunday.

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CBLoL, esports, preview, ban, paiN gaming, Mylon, Operation Kino, CNB E-sports Club, G3X, INTZ, RED Canids, Keyd Stars, Kabum, highlights, predictions