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Week 1 NA LCS Rapid Assessments

Snap Judgements: Week 1


Immortals were the best team in North America this week. They might have already secured a playoff bye before any other team can challenge them. However, they will face tougher opponents next week, which will be a better test for them.

Every player on the team performed well. Wildturtle and Pobelter, who were seen as potential weak links, played exceptionally well.

The instant synergy between all five players on the team contributed to their success. The players complement each other tremendously. Huni and Reignover draw a lot of attention, which takes pressure off Wildturtle. Adrian enables the team with his vision control and peeling abilities.

There is a question of whether Immortals can continue their success and grow even further.

Next week, Immortals will face NRG and TSM teams who were predicted to contend for the Spring Championship. If Immortals can win both games, it will be an indication of their strength.


TSM showed great tenacity in their games this weekend. Even when they were behind in gold, they did not give up and kept applying pressure.

While there are some issues in the bot lane and with Svenskeren’s play, the main concern is Bjergsen’s performance. He did not dominate in lane and did not have much impact in team fights.

Hauntzer played exceptionally well, especially in his match against Liquid. Doublelift and Yellowstar showed potential in their game against Liquid as well.


CLG looked lost at times, despite having more practice time than any other team. Their games against TSM should have been easier for them to close out, but they took a long time to do so.

Darshan and Huhi were hesitant to push their advantages, which cost them the opportunity to close out the game against TSM.

It seems that CLG is most comfortable playing split push compositions, but Darshan has not been reliable in those types of compositions in the past. CLG should consider expanding their champion pool for Darshan.

Cloud 9

The difference between Cloud 9 with Hai and without Hai was noticeable. Hai’s shotcalling and control of the game had a positive effect on the performance of Balls and Rush.

Sneaky played reliably in team fights, even when Cloud 9 was dominated by Immortals. Jensen did not make much of an impact in his game on Ekko, but he performed well in their second game.

NRG Esports

NRG’s performance was impressive, especially considering they had to use substitutes. GBM played exceptionally well in team fights, and Impact had a standout performance.

Altec and Konkwon showed potential in their games as well.


Renegades had some strong performances from Freeze and Remi. However, the rest of the team did not perform well. Their understanding of the game and map movements were good, but they still have a lot of work to do.

Echo Fox

Echo Fox showed potential against Team Impulse, but struggled against Cloud 9 without Hai. Froggen was a strong force in the mid lane.

Keith showed potential and kfo had a tough start to his professional career.


Dignitas performed well and exceeded expectations. Shiphtur and Kirei showed strong performances, but Kiwikid’s engages were not effective. Their struggles with Baron are becoming a recurring issue.

Team Impulse

Team Impulse had a disappointing performance, being completely dominated by Immortals and struggling against Echo Fox. There is not much to say about their performance.

Snap Judgements, week 1, eSports, North America, Immortals, TSM, CLG, Cloud 9, NRG Esports, Renegades, Echo Fox, Dignitas, Team Impulse