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Volibear dominates as Golden Guardians defeat Echo Fox

Golden Guardians Defeat Echo Fox with Dominant Performance by Contractz on Volibear

The Golden Guardians were the underdogs going into their matchup against Echo Fox, but with a surprising pocket pick by jungler Juan “Contractz” Garcia, they were able to come out on top. Contractz chose to play Volibear, a champion who had not been picked at all this year in professional play, but has recently received a buff that made him incredibly strong.

Despite Echo Fox having full vision of Contractz’s ganks, they were unable to escape the clutches of the bear. Volibear’s new flip and knockback abilities, along with his ability to come back from the dead with his passive, made him a formidable opponent. Contractz utilized the Predator rune, which enhanced his boots and allowed him to move quickly around the map, making him a constant presence.

In a decisive mid lane fight, Contractz sacrificed himself to secure the victory for the Golden Guardians. This unexpected win against a dominant team like Echo Fox has put the Guardians in a much better position in the standings and has solidified Volibear as a strong pick in the current meta.

Golden Guardians, Echo Fox, Contractz, Volibear, esports, League of Legends, dominant performance, underdogs