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Vitality Defeats H2k in Hard-Fought 5-Game Series, Secures Spot in EU LCS Semifinals

Vitality Upsets H2k in EU LCS Quarterfinals

In Saturday’s match between Vitality and H2k, the EU LCS quarterfinals took an unexpected turn. While Vitality had the higher seed, the EU broadcast squad favored H2k to win the best-of-five game.

Vitality managed to turn the tables and secure a victory over H2k in a series filled with mistakes and sloppy gameplay. Despite neither team playing at their best, Vitality emerged as the winners and advanced to the next round.

Vitality’s Dominance in Mid and Bot Lane

The first three games followed a familiar pattern: Vitality focused heavily on their mid and bot lanes during the draft, and they were able to convert mid lane pressure into objectives across the map. Star mid laner Danielle “Jiizuke” di Mauro showcased his skills with champions like Taliyah and led his team to victory.

However, Vitality’s performance at the Baron pit proved to be their downfall. They struggled with smite fights and had Baron stolen from them in the second game by H2k jungler Ilyas “Shook” Hartsema. In the third game, a mistimed Taliyah ult from Jiizuke gave H2k the opportunity to secure Baron for themselves.

H2k’s Comeback and Vitality’s Response

H2k, known for their late-game teamfighting, made a comeback by switching up their gameplay. They banned Taliyah, a champion that had been successful for Vitality, and drafted Vladimir for Jiizuke. In response, H2k picked Kassadin and secured a pre-18 minute Quadra kill.

In the final game, H2k let Jiizuke play one of his best champions, leading to Vitality’s victory. H2k put up a fight at their base, but couldn’t clear the minions quickly enough.

The Road Ahead for Vitality

While the games were exciting and closely contested, Vitality still has areas to improve. They need to prioritize their ADC Minitroupax more and continue punishing their opponents during the laning phase. Their draft, mid game strategy, and objective control require significant work before they face Fnatic.

If Vitality wants to continue their success, the entire team needs to step up their game, not just Jiizuke.

Vitality, H2k, EU LCS, quarterfinals, mid lane, bot lane, Baron pit, comeback, Taliyah, Jiizuke, Kassadin, playoffs, Fnatic