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(V)ery Challenging Predicament

QG’s Strategy and V’s Role in the Team

I recently had a conversation with expert analyst Kelsey Moser about the current strategies of the LPL team QG. One interesting observation that came up was the role of their top laner, V, in the team’s success. In this article, I will delve into V’s performance and how it contributes to QG’s overall strategy.

V’s Performance in Summer 2015

Before we discuss V’s current role, let’s take a look at his performance in the Summer 2015 split. During that season, V played primarily as a tank and had a 70% kill participation. He focused on farming in the top lane and rarely made aggressive moves or contributed much damage. His champion pool was limited, with Hecarim and Maokai being his most played champions. Despite this, QG had a solid performance and finished second in the playoffs.

QG’s Strategy and V’s Role in Spring 2016

In the Spring 2016 split, QG has continued their strategy of relying on V to farm in the top lane. They prioritize the safety of V and provide vision in the jungle to protect him. This strategy allows QG to extend the laning phase and gradually build advantages. Around the 25-30 minute mark, QG starts to push their vision into the enemy jungle and secure objectives to secure wins. So far, this strategy has made QG undefeated.

The Importance of V in QG’s Strategy

V’s role as a stable and stagnant top laner is crucial to QG’s strategy. He provides a foundation around which the team can build their victories. By minimizing risks and maximizing opportunities, QG is able to slowly but steadily gain advantages. However, if V’s performance is weakened or disrupted, the team’s strategy may falter. Opposing teams can counter this strategy by focusing on V and denying his safe farming. Additionally, targeting other members of QG, such as their mid laner or bot lane, can also disrupt their ability to control the map.

Overall, QG’s strategy heavily depends on V’s performance in the top lane. While this strategy is effective in the short term, it remains to be seen how successful it will be in the long run. It will be interesting to see if QG can adapt and show different strategies to stay ahead in the game.

QG, V, top laner, LPL, strategy, performance, Summer 2015, Spring 2016, stability, objectives, vision, map control