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V1per and Phreak’s Riven mirror match after LCS today went exactly as anticipated.

Phreak and V1per Face Off in a One-vs-One Duel

Riot’s post-LCS talk show, The Cooldown, featured a one-vs-one duel between FlyQuest top laner V1per and Phreak on Summoner’s Rift. Both players chose to play as Riven, and while Phreak had an advantage in level and items, V1per proved to be the stronger player.

Phreak’s Limited Experience as Riven

Phreak, a decently-high elo player, admitted that he had only played Riven around 10 times. In contrast, V1per is a renowned Riven one-trick who has played the champion in over 10,000 games. This difference in experience set the stage for an interesting match.

V1per’s Victory

Despite the advantage given to Phreak, including a higher level and better items, V1per outplayed him. In the first skirmish, V1per stunned Phreak under the tower and easily took him down. It was a short, yet entertaining game that showcased V1per’s skills.

V1per’s Performance in the LCS

Apart from his victory over Phreak, V1per’s first split as an LCS starter has been impressive. FlyQuest currently holds second place in the league with a 3-1 record, despite a recent upset loss to CLG. Their backdoor push against TSM was particularly noteworthy.

FlyQuest, V1per, LCS, Phreak, one-vs-one duel, Riven, Summoner’s Rift, competitive esports