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Uzi was considering joining Invictus Gaming before retirement, reveals bot laner West

Superteam Dreams: Uzi’s Almost Move to Invictus Gaming

In a surprising twist for League of Legends fans, superstar AD carry Uzi came close to joining Invictus Gaming (IG) for the 2020 Summer Split, according to former IG ADC West.

During a recent livestream, West revealed that Uzi, known as “the Eternal God,” was on the verge of signing with IG before deciding to retire instead. This would have created a superteam with legendary stars like top laner TheShy and mid laner Rookie.

Currently in fourth place with an 8-3 record in the LPL Summer Split, IG had the potential to achieve even greater success with Uzi on their roster.

A power trio consisting of Uzi, TheShy, and Rookie could have competed for the LPL championship once again. Their combined strength could have posed a serious threat to the best teams in League at this year’s World Championship and beyond. Unfortunately, fans will never witness the potential achievements of this star-studded lineup.

Uzi announced his retirement in June due to various health issues that plagued his successful career. The veteran suffered from arm, shoulder, and leg pain caused by extensive practice hours, as well as chronic stress and obesity. In an interview with Nike, he even revealed a doctor’s comparison of his arms to those of a 40 or 50-year-old.

Although Uzi achieved great success throughout his career, including three LPL championships and an MSI title, he was never able to lift the Summoner’s Cup. Nevertheless, he will always be remembered as one of the greatest players of all time and arguably the best ADC to ever grace the world of League.

Correction July 16 4:20pm CT: incorrectly attributed the translation of the clip from West’s stream. The article has been edited to reflect this information. We regret this error.

related keyword: League of Legends, Uzi, Invictus Gaming, AD carry, superteam, LPL championship, World Championship, retirement, health issues, esports