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Uzi successfully defends one-vs-one crown against Bjergsen at All-Stars

Star Chinese ADC Uzi Retains Championship at League of Legends All-Star Event

Despite a challenging year in the LPL, Jian “Uzi” Zi-hao demonstrated his talent and secured a spot at the League of Legends All-Star Event. In a thrilling one-vs-one final on Sunday, Uzi defeated Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg 2-1 to retain his championship.

Uzi’s victory solidifies his position as the indisputable best one-vs-one player in the game. Impressive enough, he even allowed Bjergsen to play as Zoe—a champion currently considered overpowered. Instead of countering with a more mobile mage like LeBlanc or Kassadin, Uzi chose to stick with Kalista, who has a mini-dash.

Bjergsen managed to secure the first summoner of the match with a well-timed trade, but Uzi’s rend nearly cost him his life. Kalista’s strength throughout the game played a significant role in her perma-ban status at last month’s World Championship.

While Bjergsen initially gained wave control and a minion advantage, he made a risky play by jumping into the minions with his ultimate, revealing his location to Uzi. Seizing this opportunity, Uzi bursted down Zoe and claimed victory in the first match.

In the second match, both players chose mid laners. Bjergsen capitalized on the advantage with Taliyah, a champion stronger in the early game compared to Syndra. Despite Syndra’s one-shot potential, Uzi lacked the damage to secure a kill.

In the decisive third game, Bjergsen opted to play Ryze, a champion with early power but requires time to scale. However, this decision worked against him as Uzi, back on Kalista, obtained a significant lead in CS. Although Bjergsen attempted to delete Uzi’s health bar, he repeatedly survived with a sliver of health.

The minion disadvantage became insurmountable for Bjergsen, and he resorted to desperate plays that ultimately proved unsuccessful. Uzi’s final CS included Bjergsen himself, solidifying his place as the top one-vs-one player.

The Reign of Uzi: Undisputed One-vs-One Champion

Uzi’s victory as the one-vs-one champion is a testament to his skill and talent. It is fitting that in a year filled with ADC memes, an ADC has emerged as the master at the end.

Uzi, League of Legends, one-vs-one champion, All-Star Event, esports news