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Update in Patch 9.3 enhances League of Legends’ lore

League of Legends Patch 9.3: New Lore Revealed with Champion Updates

The highly-anticipated League of Legends Patch 9.3 is launching tomorrow morning. In addition to updates to champions and items, Riot Games has also released a set of exciting new lore. For fans who are interested in the story behind Runeterra and its diverse characters, this is a treat to look forward to.

The full patch notes are yet to be released, but Riot’s efforts to expand the extensive universe of League of Legends have been evident over the past year. The goal is to strengthen the bond between the game’s 143 champions.

Riot Games openly acknowledged in the past that the development of the game’s lore was not handled effectively. Previously, lore writing was assigned to various members of different teams within the company, resulting in a disjointed narrative. However, Riot has since taken a proactive approach to manage and review every piece of new lore, ensuring a more coherent and engaging storytelling experience.

League of Legends Patch 9.3 represents another step towards improving the game’s ever-expanding universe. Some of the notable updates include:

  • Annie’s story, which delves into her relationship with her bear Tibbers
  • Katarina’s lore, unveiling a fierce battle and unraveling her past
  • Master Yi’s story, providing further details about his background
  • Udyr’s updated lore, revealing how he was crippled by his own powers
  • Sejuani’s upbringing, highlighted in her revamped lore
  • Jarvan IV’s revised lore, including the circumstances of his birth

Patch 9.3 is scheduled to hit the live servers early tomorrow morning. The North America servers will undergo maintenance at 5am CT, while the EUW servers will be down at 5am GMT. The maintenance is expected to last for approximately three hours.

Related keywords: League of Legends, Patch 9.3, champions, lore, updates, Riot Games, Runeterra, story, narrative writers.