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Update for Rek’Sai already underway

Rek’Sai Changes Coming Soon, Says Riot’s Lead Champion Designer

The highly anticipated changes to the beloved jungle champion Rek’Sai may be arriving sooner than expected, according to Riot’s lead champion designer Andrei “Meddler” van Roon.

In a recent statement, Meddler revealed that the Rek’Sai changes are progressing well and players can expect to see them in the near future. However, the actual release will depend on the completion of necessary art adjustments, which may take a few patches to finalize.

Emphasis on Aesthetic Changes

Contrary to previous speculations about overall gameplay updates, it seems that the focus of the Rek’Sai changes will primarily be on aesthetic improvements. Meddler mentioned that the update will include particle work, character animation, and sound changes, emphasizing a shift towards making Rek’Sai more of a diver instead of a tank.

If you want to learn more about the proposed changes, you can read Meddler’s post here.

Release Date Uncertain

Meddler made it clear that the update will be released when it’s fully ready, and there’s no rush to push it out as soon as possible.

Stay tuned for more updates!

Adam Newell, a journalist for @GAMURScom, can be contacted through the following channels:

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Image via Riot Games

esports, Rek’Sai changes, Riot Games, champion designer, aesthetic improvements