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Upcoming Patch 7.5 to Introduce Varus and Fizz Updates

Riot Plans Major Changes in Patch 7.5 for Fizz and Varus

Riot Games is already looking ahead to Patch 7.5, just a week after the release of Patch 7.3. According to Andrei “Meddler” van Roon, Riot’s lead champion designer, there will be adjustments to Fizz and Varus.

Meddler stated, “We’ve been doing some balance planning for patch 7.5 in the last couple of days. Particularly noteworthy targets include likely nerfs to Edge of Night and Varus and continuation of work on Fizz and Blade of the Ruined King that wasn’t ready in time for 7.4.”

Nerfs for Varus and Changes for Fizz

In Patch 7.5, Varus is expected to receive nerfs while Fizz will undergo changes. Varus has become a top-tier ADC in competitive League of Legends, so some players may be pleased to see him nerfed. On the other hand, the changes to Fizz could help increase his popularity in the competitive scene.

More information about these changes will be released in the near future.

Contact Adam Newell

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Riot Games, Patch 7.5, Fizz, Varus, balance changes, champion designer, nerfs, League of Legends, competitive scene, Adam Newell, journalist, GAMURScom, news, updates