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Upcoming League Patch 12.17 to Introduce Kassadin, Rell, Camille, and Other Champion Modifications Ahead of Worlds Championship

A Sneak Peek at the Upcoming League of Legends Patch 12.17

The League of Legends developers are making some changes in patch 12.17 to prepare for the World Championships next month. This patch will bring adjustments to various champions and playstyles, adding excitement to the competitive meta.

Changes to Expect in Patch 12.17

Matt “Riot Phroxzon” Leung-Harrison, the lead designer on the League balance team, has shared a list of provisional changes. These changes aim to balance the game without making drastic swings. The focus is on reducing outliers and reintroducing situational picks into the meta.

Champions Receiving Buffs

Several champions in the League pro scene have had their moments as strong contenders and are now receiving buffs in patch 12.17. For example, Graves was a dominant force in the carry jungle meta during Worlds 2020, and Twisted Fate has been a top playmaking mid laner for the past three years.

Exciting Changes in the Meta

The upcoming buffs to champions with a higher skill expression and more entertaining playstyles will bring excitement to the mid lane meta. Kassadin buffs could shake up the stale mid lane, while Sett’s flexibility to be played in multiple roles enhances the drafting aspect of the game.

Worlds 2022 on the Horizon

While the exact patch for Worlds 2022 is yet to be announced, the extensive list of champion changes indicates that the Worlds patch is approaching soon.

Potential Rework for Rell and Miss Fortune’s Buffs

Riot has mentioned a rework for Rell, but it’s unlikely to be included in this set of changes. As for Miss Fortune, one of the highly prioritized picks in Worlds 2021, her buffs have already been revealed.

Maokai’s Buffs and Stopwatch’s Nerf

The changes to Maokai on the Public Beta Environment (PBE) suggest buffs for the top/jungle Maokai. Additionally, Stopwatch is being nerfed, but the impact on items built from it remains uncertain.

League of Legends, patch 12.17, World Championships, champions, buffs, meta, playstyles, competitive, adjustments, skill expression, stale meta, rework, Miss Fortune, Maokai, Stopwatch.