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Upcoming buffs for Master Yi and Tryndamere

All about the Upcoming Buffs for Master Yi and Tryndamere in League of Legends

The popular champions Master Yi and Tryndamere in League of Legends are set to receive buffs with the release of Patch 8.2, as announced by Riot on the official game forums.

Riot’s decision to buff these champions may seem strange given certain factors. Firstly, Master Yi is already performing reasonably well with a winrate of 49 percent, according to League stats site Additionally, his playrate is quite high at six percent. The new runes like Press the Attack, Lethal Tempo, Phase Rush, and Fleet Footwork have made him feel even stronger in the preseason.

On the other hand, Tryndamere has some fundamental issues with his kit, making him feel broken. His entire kit revolves around his passive abilities, which increase his AD and crit chance. This makes the rest of his abilities less important and results in a rather uninspiring playstyle.

Most champions, especially those recently reworked like Evelynn, Urgot, and Sejuani, have a well-rounded set of abilities and passives. However, Tryndamere falls short in this aspect. His damage heavily relies on basic attacks, and his abilities are merely focused on positioning and landing more basic attacks. His ultimate ability and heal are designed to prolong his survival for more basic attacks.

The dilemma with Tryndamere lies in balancing his damage from a single source. Any buffs to his basic attacks would make him overly difficult to deal with, and it becomes challenging for Riot to balance him without making him overpowered or useless.

Despite these issues, Riot plans to test the buffs for both Master Yi and Tryndamere on the PBE during the final weeks of the Patch 8.1 cycle.

League of Legends, buffs, Master Yi, Tryndamere, champions