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Unveiling the Terrifying Potential of Bushwhacker Ivern with Lethal Tempo

Bushwhacker Ivern: A Terrifying League of Legends Build for the Pre-Season

The pre-season of League of Legends is known for bringing out the strangest builds and strategies, and one of the weirder ones to emerge is Bushwhacker Ivern. However, as you’re about to discover, this build can be downright terrifying.

The Origins of Bushwhacker Ivern

This build gained popularity among professional players in solo queue, such as Andy “AnDa” Hoang, and was further highlighted in a recent Reddit post. It takes advantage of the Lethal Tempo keystone rune and a recent buff to Ivern’s Brushmaker ability. This ability allows Ivern to convert his basic attacks to ranged and deal bonus damage while in a brush and shortly after leaving it. The results are quite ridiculous.

The Display of Bushwhacker Ivern’s Power

Check out the video above to witness the extremely irritating and high damage output of Bushwhacker Ivern. It’s astonishing to see how much damage can be dealt by a gentle tree. The player in the video prioritizes maxing Ivern’s Q ability. However, based on experience, it’s recommended to max his Brushmaker (W) ability to increase the bonus on-hit damage while in bushes with each rank.

When it comes to items, it’s advisable to get the attack speed jungle item, Bloodrazor, and Guinsoo’s Rageblade. From there, you have some flexibility. You can go for an AP build with items like Nashor’s Tooth and Lich Bane, an AD build with Blade of the Ruined King and Runaan’s, or fully commit to on-hit damage with Wit’s End. The choice is yours, and once you have the first two items, you can’t really go wrong. In fact, many impressive plays shown in the montage above were executed with just a Recurve Bow.

Unconventional Usage: Bushwhacker Ivern as an ADC

Some pro players have even started bringing Bushwhacker Ivern to the bot lane as an ADC. They utilize Ivern’s passive to collect the red buff from their jungler whenever it’s available. AnDa tried this approach and it proved successful. He finished the game as the most fed champion on his team, sporting a hybrid build of Guinsoo’s, Nashor’s, and multiple crit items. While he ultimately lost the game, he put up a remarkable fight.

So embrace your inner Bob Ross, you happy little trees, and venture forth. Bushwhacker Ivern is there for the taking, and it’s the perfect build for the trolling-filled pre-season.