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Unveiling the Powerhouses: Exploring Revamped Champions and their Dominance

League of Legends Champions: The Most Banned in Ranked Games

In the world of League of Legends, newly released or reworked champions have been dominating gameplay with their unmatched strength. While most of them are eventually nerfed, some have to wait for buffs to become viable picks. However, reworked champions follow a different schedule, and the recent ones have become the most banned champions in ranked games.

Skarner: The King of Zone Control

Skarner has been terrorizing games with his zone control abilities. His unique passive allows him to control key zones on the map, making it difficult for other junglers to contest neutral objectives. Additionally, Skarner’s spires provide him with a huge mana regen boost, making him a formidable force in fights. Even after being nerfed, he still maintains a high win rate, which is why most players choose to ban him.

Darius: A Threat That Cannot Be Ignored

Darius may not have been initially considered strong, but Riot buffed him to make him a force to be reckoned with. His ability to heal for a significant amount of missing health makes him a formidable juggernaut. Kiting him is challenging, and if he secures a kill, his Noxian Might passive allows him to dunk anyone still standing. His versatility in teamfights and splitpush capabilities make him a top ban choice.

Mordekaiser: The Dragonmancer

Mordekaiser’s ability to gain solo lane experience paired with a support, along with his powerful all-ins and pet dragons, make him a strong laner. His short-range limitations are offset by his ability to push waves quickly and effectively with his pet dragon. His early game dominance makes him difficult to deal with, especially if his team secures a dragon. Overall, his lack of counterplay and strong laning phase make him a popular ban.

Garen: The Versatile Villain

Garen is a champion who excels in both offensive and defensive playstyles. His unique villain mechanic disrupts teamfights and makes him a formidable threat. With his scaling passive, he can become a tanky raid boss, making him difficult to deal with. Additionally, his splitpush capabilities and overall versatility make him a top ban choice.

Fiora: A Nightmare for Toplaners

Fiora’s ability to deal true damage based on her target’s health makes her a nightmare for tanky toplaners. Her mobility, durability, and ability to hit hard with her skills make her a formidable opponent. Her Riposte skill makes her almost invulnerable and allows her to turn the tables on her attackers. Her ultimate not only escalates her dueling capabilities but also provides healing for her team. Overall, Fiora’s versatility and lack of counterplay make her a common ban choice.

Gangplank: The Saltwater Scourge

Gangplank’s recent rework has made him a strong laner, to the point where he is now being played in the midlane. His barrels allow him to deal massive AoE critical hits, making him a threat in teamfights. Despite not having a high win rate, Gangplank’s presence in competitive play speaks volumes about his strength. His recent nerfs have not significantly impacted his viability, making him a popular ban.


These champions highlight the recent trend of League of Legends releases being too strong and frustrating to play against. With the Season 5 World Championship approaching, it is crucial for Riot to find a balance and diversify gameplay. The upcoming patches should aim to provide a more balanced and varied selection of top-tier picks. Let’s hope Riot addresses these issues and delivers a satisfying end to the season.

Article League of Legends, champions, bans, Skarner, Darius, Mordekaiser, Garen, Fiora, Gangplank.