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Unveiling the Hidden Gems: NA LCS Dark Horses

Team EnVyUs: The Dark Horse of the NA LCS

Ever since the 2016 Spring split ended, teams have been making changes to their rosters in preparation for the upcoming season. Now, as the dust settles, we can see which teams are likely to remain at the top. While powerhouses like G2/H2k and CLG/IMT are expected to do well, let’s take a closer look at the teams that have the potential to surprise us.

Introducing Team EnVyUs

During the offseason, complications arose for Team Renegades, leading to the sale of their LCS spot. This gave birth to Team EnVyUs, a team with a strong organization backing them. The team consists of Seraph, Procxin, Ninja, LOD, and Hakuho.

The Returning Talent

Seraph, Ninja, and Hakuho from Renegades have been retained by Team EnVyUs. While Hakuho’s performance is concerning, the team has the resources to help him improve. Seraph and Ninja have consistently shown their skill, even in challenging situations.

Procxin & LOD Step in the Ring

The team completed their roster by signing Procxin as the jungler and LOD as the ADC. Procxin has demonstrated his potential in the Spring Split, with high kill participation and damage share. LOD, despite playing for multiple teams, has consistently shown his ability to deal damage and strategically position himself.

Putting the Puzzle Together

With a strong understanding of the macro game, Seraph, Ninja, and LOD bring a lot of potential to Team EnVyUs. Procxin’s aggressive jungling can set the stage for Seraph and Ninja to carry the game, while LOD adds supplementary damage. If the team can work on synergy and address individual weaknesses, they have the potential to challenge top-tier teams.

Obvious Grievances

While the lineup looks promising, there are potential obstacles to consider. Hakuho’s performance and map play need improvement, and LOD will need to expand his capacities to compete against top ADCs in the league.

Final Verdict

Team EnVyUs has secured proven talent in Seraph and Ninja, with strong laners who can be enabled by Procxin’s aggressive play. LOD’s positioning and threat assessment make him a valuable asset. While they may struggle against top teams like CLG and IMT, they have the potential to surprise other teams with their synergy and skills.

Keyword: Team EnVyUs, NA LCS, esports, Dark Horse