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Unlock the Full Potential of Kindred’s Lamb’s Respite: Mastering the Ultimate Ability

In the exciting world of League of Legends, survival can be just as important as dealing damage. One ability that stands out in terms of life-saving mechanics is Kindred’s ult, also known as Lamb’s Respite. This powerful ability can completely change the outcome of team fights, but it requires excellent timing, strategic positioning, and game sense to master.

– Kindred’s ult, Lamb’s Respite, is a game-changing tool in League of Legends
– It requires good timing and positioning
– It has gained popularity in professional matches due to its strategic utility
– Proper use of this ability can significantly enhance your team’s performance
– Learn how to optimize this ability with expert tips and analysis

Unraveling the Mysteries of Kindred’s Ult

Kindred’s ult, Lamb’s Respite, is a unique ability that creates a zone where all units, both ally and enemy, cannot drop below a certain level of health. It acts as a guardian angel, providing a lifeline in desperate situations. According to Phreak, a well-known League of Legends expert, Lamb’s Respite is one of the most game-changing ultimates in the game. It requires precise timing and positioning and can be the deciding factor in team fights.

Strategic Surge in Professional Gaming

In recent times, professional players have been strategically using Kindred’s ult to protect key players during intense battles. This has led to a rise in Kindred’s popularity and pick rate. It demonstrates the strategic value of Lamb’s Respite in high-level play.

A Deep Dive Into Kindred’s Ult – Lamb’s Respite

Unlike most champion ultimates that are focused on dealing damage, Kindred’s Lamb’s Respite is a purely defensive cooldown. It creates a zone where all units remain alive and cannot drop below 10% of their health for four seconds. It functions as a safety net, benefiting both allies and enemies within the zone. This versatility sets it apart from other defensive abilities in the game.

So, How Should You Use It?

Kindred’s ult may initially seem like a double-edged sword since it can also benefit enemies. However, with strategic timing and positioning, it can give you a significant advantage. Here are some best-case scenarios for using Lamb’s Respite:
– When enemies use their most powerful abilities
– Saving low-health allies
– Countering execute abilities
– Aggressive diving under enemy turrets
– Prolonging your life while taking objectives or backdooring

Avoiding Pitfalls and Making the Most of Kindred’s Ult

One challenge with Lamb’s Respite is the potential to inadvertently save enemies from certain death. Kindred players should be cautious of champions that can push them out of the zone, leaving them vulnerable while enemies benefit from the ult. Additionally, crowd control abilities can prevent Lamb’s Respite from being activated on time.

Does Kindred’s Ult Work on Baron?

Yes, Kindred’s ult works on Baron Nashor, Dragon, and all jungle camps. This makes Kindred the only champion capable of extending the life of these objectives, which can be crucial in a smite fight.

Choosing When to Use Kindred’s Ultimate for Strategic Advantage

As Phreak states, Lamb’s Respite is a game-changing ultimate. Choosing when to use it is crucial to maximize its impact. It can be used in various scenarios to turn the tide of a fight, save allies, or secure objectives. The key is to assess the situation and make strategic decisions.

What Sets Kindred’s Ultimate Apart?

Kindred’s ultimate, Lamb’s Respite, creates a unique death-free zone. Unlike other abilities, it benefits both allies and enemies. This neutral nature requires strategic positioning and timing to gain an advantage.

How to Ace Kindred’s Ultimate?

To make the most of Lamb’s Respite, players should focus on strategic usage. Timing the ult in relation to enemy cooldowns, saving multiple allies, using it as a buffer, countering executes, diving enemy turrets, and prolonging your life during objectives are some effective strategies. However, creativity and intuition also play a role in optimizing Kindred’s ult.

A Word of Caution with Kindred’s Ultimate

While Lamb’s Respite is a powerful tool, it can unintentionally save enemies from certain death. Certain champions and crowd control abilities can also neutralize the ult. These factors should be taken into account when deciding to use the ultimate.

Interactions with Monsters and Nexus

Lamb’s Respite can also be used on Baron Nashor, Dragon, and jungle camps, prolonging their life for four seconds. It can play a crucial role in smite fights. However, it does not work on the Nexus or any turrets.


– How long does Kindred’s ult last?
Kindred’s ult lasts for four seconds.

– Can Kindred’s ult save enemy players?
Yes, Kindred’s ult can save enemy players.

– Can Kindred’s ult work on the Nexus or turrets?
No, Kindred’s ult does not work on the Nexus or any turrets.

– Does Kindred’s ult work on Baron Nashor?
Yes, Kindred’s ult works on Baron Nashor.


Kindred’s Lamb’s Respite is a game-changing ability that requires strategic positioning, timing, and situational awareness to maximize its utility. It can turn the tide of a game, but it should be used wisely and strategically. Consider the tips and insights shared in this article to make the most of Kindred’s ult in your League of Legends matches.

1. League of Legends Wiki: Kindred
2. LoL Esports
3. Mobalytics: Kindred Champion Guide