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Unleashing the Potential of AD Kennen: A Comprehensive Build Guide for the Electrifying Yordle

In the world of League of Legends, Kennen is known for his electrifying abilities. But what if you could also pack a punch with his auto-attacks? That’s where AD Kennen comes in. This off-meta build is becoming popular on the Rift for its fun and formidable playstyle.

Here’s a quick summary:

  • Kennen can be built as both AP and AD.
  • Pro player Rekkles emphasizes the importance of adapting Kennen’s build.
  • The latest trend is to build Kennen with health and magic penetration items.
  • AD Kennen offers consistent and true damage with items like Kraken Slayer.
  • Runes like Lethal Tempo and Triumph enhance Kennen’s AD capabilities.

The Versatility of Kennen

Kennen’s adaptability in League of Legends is impressive. While he is typically built as an AP carry, focusing on items like Hextech Rocketbelt and Zhonya’s Hourglass, many players are experimenting with an AD carry build for Kennen. This choice can turn him into a formidable champion in the bot lane, dealing consistent and true damage.

Words from the Pros

Professional player Rekkles has emphasized the need for adaptability in Kennen’s build, stating that maximizing damage output while ensuring survivability is key. This highlights the importance of understanding the game’s dynamics when choosing how to build Kennen.

Current Trends in Kennen’s Build

Recent patches have seen a shift toward building Kennen with items that increase his health and magic penetration. This allows him to be more durable in team fights without sacrificing damage output. Items like Demonic Embrace and Void Staff have become popular choices to achieve this balance.

Unleashing the Power of AD Kennen

AD Kennen is more than just a fun off-meta pick – it’s a powerhouse in the right hands. With the right runes and items, Kennen can become an AD carry capable of dealing both magic and physical damage. Items like Kraken Slayer and Runaan’s Hurricane are essential for maximizing his potential.

AD Kennen’s unique playstyle catches many opponents off guard, as they often expect him to be a bursty AP mage. Instead, with the AD build, Kennen becomes a consistent damage dealer, whittling down enemies over time.

The cornerstone of this build is Kraken Slayer, a mythic item that boosts Kennen’s attack damage and provides a true damage proc on every third auto-attack. This synergizes perfectly with Kennen’s passive, resulting in a barrage of electrifying attacks that can quickly take down even the tankiest foes.

Pairing Kraken Slayer with Runaan’s Hurricane allows Kennen’s auto-attacks to hit multiple targets, spreading his electrifying presence across the battlefield. In team fights, this means Kennen can damage multiple enemies simultaneously, making him a significant threat.

AD Kennen also benefits from increased survivability. Items like Blade of the Ruined King and Guardian Angel allow him to sustain himself in prolonged fights and make a comeback even if he’s taken down. This balance of offense and defense makes AD Kennen a versatile choice for players looking to challenge the meta and surprise their opponents.

Runes to Supercharge AD Kennen

Choosing the right runes is crucial for maximizing Kennen’s AD potential. Here are some key rune choices that can supercharge AD Kennen:

  • Lethal Tempo: This keystone rune boosts Kennen’s attack speed upon damaging an enemy champion, allowing him to dish out rapid strikes and synergize with his passive for electrifying combos.
  • Triumph: This rune restores a portion of Kennen’s health and energy after a takedown, providing him with the edge to continue fighting or strategically retreat in extended skirmishes.
  • Legend: Alacrity: This rune grants Kennen bonus attack speed for every champion takedown, epic monster takedown, large monster kill, and minion kill. It ensures that Kennen’s attack speed remains consistently high, making him a constant threat.
  • Coup de Grace: This rune grants Kennen bonus damage to champions below 40% health, ensuring those final blows are lethal. It’s especially useful in team fights to finish off weakened enemies swiftly.

Items to Amplify Kennen’s AD Potential

In addition to runes, the right items can elevate AD Kennen’s power. Here are some essential items:

Sorcerer’s Shoes: These shoes provide magic penetration, ensuring that Kennen’s abilities hit hard, even when building AD.

Blade of the Ruined King: This item provides attack damage, attack speed, and life steal. Its unique passive allows Kennen’s basic attacks to deal bonus magic damage and steal movement speed from the target, boosting both his damage output and kiting capabilities.

Guinsoo’s Rageblade: This item may be unconventional but is potent for AD Kennen. It converts critical strike chance into bonus on-hit magic damage, greatly amplifying his damage output. In extended fights, Guinsoo’s Rageblade’s consistent damage can wear down even the tankiest foes.

These are the core items for AD Kennen, but it’s important to adapt the build based on the game’s situation. Items like Phantom Dancer for increased attack speed or Guardian Angel for added survivability can be considered.

AD Kennen is a versatile and potent pick when equipped with the right runes and items. By understanding the synergy between these elements, players can unleash the full potential of this electrifying Yordle and dominate the battlefield.


Why choose AD Kennen over the traditional AP build?

AD Kennen offers a unique playstyle, providing both magic and physical damage. This makes it harder for enemies to itemize against him.

Is AD Kennen viable in ranked games?

Yes, with the right strategy and understanding of the build, AD Kennen can be a formidable pick in ranked games.

Which lane is best for AD Kennen?

While Kennen traditionally plays top, the AD build shines in the bot lane as an ADC.

How does AD Kennen fare against traditional ADCs?

With his crowd control and hybrid damage, AD Kennen can effectively counter many traditional ADCs.

Are there any pro players who play AD Kennen?

While AD Kennen is not a common pick, some pro players like Rekkles have experimented with it in professional games.


AD Kennen is more than just a fun experiment – it’s a viable build that can dominate games when played right. By understanding the game’s dynamics and adapting your build, you can unleash the true power of this electrifying Yordle. So, are you ready to shock your opponents?


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