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Unicorns of Love emerge victorious against PSG Talon, claiming top spot in Worlds 2020 play-in group

PSG Talon’s Unbeaten Run at Worlds 2020 Play-ins Ended by Unicorns of Love

PSG Talon’s impressive unbeaten run at the 2020 League of Legends World Championship play-ins came to an end at the hands of the CIS’ best team, Unicorns of Love. This loss marks a major shift in the tournament’s narrative, as the spotlight now turns to the victorious Unicorns of Love.

Unicorns of Love Clinch First Place in Play-in Group

With their victory over PSG Talon, Unicorns of Love solidify their position as the front-runners in their play-in group, securing automatic qualification into the group stage. This opens up the opportunity for them to take on renowned teams and make a name for themselves in the tournament.

Unicorns of Love victorious over PSG Talon

The Draft: A Clash of Strategies

The draft for the game perfectly captured the strategic intentions of each team. Unicorns of Love opted for a fast and aggressive early game, drafting champions like Hecarim and Renekton to dominate the top side of the map. PSG Talon, on the other hand, picked champions like Volibear, Sett, and Alistar in an attempt to withstand the early pressure. However, this draft ultimately worked against them as the game progressed.

Unicorns of Love mirrored their previous match by initiating a five-vs-five teamfight for the first Herald. Despite losing the fight, they managed to secure the objective, paving the way for early advantages. They capitalized on this momentum, taking down turrets and gaining deep vision into PSG Talon’s jungle.

PSG Talon’s Draft Complications

PSG Talon, having lost map control due to Unicorns of Love’s early successes, had to resort to teamfighting over Drakes to regain stability. Unfortunately, their draft put immense pressure on their substitute ADC, Dee, who had garnered praise for his performance in previous matches. The lack of damage output from Dee, coupled with their disadvantageous composition, made it difficult for PSG Talon to turn the tide of teamfights in their favor.

Unicorns of Love Expose PSG Talon’s Weaknesses

Unicorns of Love have revealed the winning strategy against PSG Talon, showcasing their prowess in drafting and early game dominance. They now sit comfortably at the top of Group B and emerge as strong contenders to make their mark in the mainstage groups.

The play-in stage of Worlds continues on September 27 at 3am CT.

Related PSG Talon, Unicorns of Love, League of Legends, Worlds 2020, Play-ins, Draft, ADC, Teamfighting, Group Stage