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Understanding the Reasons Behind the High Jungle Winrates of Tryndamere and Singed in North America

Why Champion Winrate Alone Isn’t Enough to Pick a Jungler

When choosing a powerful jungler in the current meta, you may be tempted to look at champion winrates. However, relying solely on winrate can lead you astray. It’s important to consider other factors before making your decision.

Tryndamere, for example, currently has the highest winrate among all junglers in North America, according to League of Legends stats site But don’t be fooled, this doesn’t mean he is a good pick for everyone. Tryndamere and other oddball jungle picks like Singed and Aatrox are only successful because they are played by one-trick players who are extremely familiar with these champions.

If we look at the statistics, Singed and Tryndamere have the highest and second-highest average games played per player in the jungle, respectively. This means that players who choose these off-meta picks have played more games than players of any other champion. However, their playrates are still quite low, which suggests that only a few dedicated players are making these picks work.

When choosing a jungle champion, it’s important to consider both winrate and playrate. Champions with high winrates and playrates are usually abnormally strong and likely to be nerfed soon. On the other hand, champions like Xin Zhao, who have a good winrate but a lower playrate, can be reliable picks.

In conclusion, while Tryndamere may be at the top of the leaderboard in terms of winrate, it’s best to think twice before picking him as your jungler. Consider the overall statistics and the experiences of other players before making your decision.

jungler, winrate, playrate, Tryndamere, Singed, Aatrox, one-trick, statistics,, League of Legends, Xin Zhao