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Understanding the Mechanics of Flex Queue Placements

League of Legends has two main game modes for its competitive ladder. One is Ranked Solo, where you play alone or with a duo partner. The other is Ranked Flex, where you can queue up with multiple people as a pre-made team. While Ranked Solo is more popular, both modes have separate matchmaking systems.

Ranked Flex Queue allows you to queue up with 1, 2, 3, or 5 players. There are no rank restrictions in placements or ranked games in Flex Queue. The average MMR of the game is determined by the average MMR of all players involved.

In the past, Ranked Flex had more restrictions. After placements, players could only queue together if they were within one division of each other. However, in 2020, Riot Games removed this rank limitation.

Flex Queue limits the premade party size to 1, 2, 3, or 5 players. Parties of 4 are not allowed to prevent imbalance and potential abuse against solo players. Solo players will not be matched with a 4-stack.

Placements in Flex Queue are not restricted to ranks anymore. Unranked players can queue up with their friends and play placement matches together. After placements, the division requirement no longer applies.

There has been speculation about Flex Queue placement MMR being taken from Ranked Solo games. This means that your Flex Queue placement MMR might be based on your Ranked Solo rank. However, this can vary depending on the MMR of your friends, as matchmaking is based on collective MMR.

Dodging in Placements works the same as in Ranked Solo. Dodging counts as a loss and puts you on a penalty timer before you can queue up again.

LP Gain in Placements depends on your MMR. You may start with low placements and receive large LP gains to quickly climb to your real elo. If your actual rank is close to your placement rank, you will receive reduced LP gains.

Flex MMR does not affect Ranked Solo MMR. Poor performance in Flex Queue will not impact your Ranked Solo MMR or rank. They are separate ladders.

Ranked Flex is popular among players who prefer playing in larger groups. It allows players of any rank to play together as a team. Enjoy Flex Queue with players of any rank and have a more casual experience compared to Ranked Solo.

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