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Understanding Matchmaking and MMR in League of Legends

How League’s Matchmaking Works and How to Fix Uneven LP Gains

League of Legends is a complex game that takes time to master. If you want to become a top 1% player, you need to understand the mechanics of the game. One important mechanic is matchmaking, which is the process of matching players against each other. Riot has implemented this system to ensure fair competition in ranked games.

However, there are instances where the matchmaking system doesn’t work as intended. Sometimes, Riot may place you on the losing team unfairly, a phenomenon called the “Loss Spree Queue”. This happens when Riot suspects that your account has been boosted and you start performing poorly after a winning streak. To get out of this queue, you need to prove yourself by winning games despite having bad teammates.

How Does Matchmaking Work in League of Legends?

Matchmaking in League of Legends is based on your Matchmaking Rating (MMR) rather than your rank. Your MMR is the perceived level of your account and is determined by your wins and losses. LP gains in League are unpredictable, but your MMR is more predictable and can be calculated if you understand the math behind it.

How Does MMR Affect Matchmaking?

MMR is the key factor in matchmaking. Riot matches players with similar MMR together, regardless of their actual rank. If your MMR is significantly lower than your rank due to a losing streak, you will be matched against lower-ranked players, resulting in lower LP gains and higher LP losses. Conversely, if your MMR is higher than your rank due to a winning streak, you will be matched against higher-ranked players, resulting in higher LP gains and lower LP losses.

How to Fix Uneven LP Gains

If you’re experiencing uneven LP gains, the best way to fix it is to play more games. By playing a lot of games, your MMR will eventually catch up with the actual value of your account, balancing out your LP gains and losses. This process may take time, but by persevering, you will reach the rank that you deserve.


While Riot’s matchmaking system may have its flaws, it is one of the best in terms of gameplay. Remember that humans run Riot Games, and mistakes can happen. They are continuously working to improve the game for everyone. If you have any questions or thoughts on this topic, feel free to leave a comment. For more tips, check out our article on how to reset MMR in League of Legends.