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Understanding “KS” in League of Legends

In League of Legends, KS stands for ‘kill steal’. It refers to the act of taking a kill from a teammate’s champion. This usually happens when an enemy champion with low health, who was first damaged by a teammate, is killed by another teammate. The player who steals the kill receives all the gold from the enemy champion’s death and is credited with the kill. Some people see KS as unsportsmanlike behavior, but it can sometimes be done strategically to help a teammate get more gold quickly. KS is also seen in other games, especially in the MOBA genre.

4 Best Champions for KS-ing

Here are the top four champions for kill stealing:

4. Teemo

Teemo is a divisive champion, loved by some and hated by others. He is easy to play and can be built in different ways. His passive increases poison damage, and his abilities make it hard for opponents to escape or catch him. While there are better options for higher levels of play, Teemo is great for kill stealing.

Why is Teemo Considered Best for KS?

Teemo is considered one of the top KS champions because of his passive poison damage. He can finish off enemies who are left with low health, even if they survive the initial attack. Additionally, some Teemos have a reputation for being jerks, which adds to the KS behavior.

3. Darius

Darius is a powerful champion with passive bleeding damage and abilities that can disable opponents. His ultimate ability resets its cooldown if it delivers the final blow, making him a strong KS champion.

Why is Darius Considered Best for KS?

Darius’ ability to reset his ultimate’s cooldown after getting a kill makes him a prime KS champion. He can quickly eliminate multiple enemies and secure kills for himself.

2. Olaf

Olaf is a strong champion known for his persistence in chasing and defeating opponents. His abilities allow him to deal damage, slow down enemies, and resist deactivation.

Why is Olaf Considered Best for KS?

Olaf’s ability to deal damage while gaining temporary life steal and spell vamp makes him a force to be reckoned with. His ultimate ability prevents deactivation and grants him additional survivability. Olaf’s swift and powerful undertow ability is a favorite among trolls.

1. Karthus

Karthus is a champion with a powerful passive that allows him to stay active after death. His abilities deal damage and can control the battlefield, making him a formidable force.

Why is Karthus Considered Best for KS?

Karthus’s defile ability deals continuous damage in an area, making him deadly in team fights. His ultimate ability, Requiem, can secure kills across the map, making him a favorite among KSers and trolls. Karthus’s presence alone can force opponents to change their strategies.