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Tyler1’s Pyke mishap costs him Summoner’s Spells and dragon

The Unfortunate League of Legends Game: Tyler1’s Misplays and Loss of Dragon

Sometimes, playing League of Legends doesn’t go as planned. Popular Twitch streamer Tyler1 recently experienced one of those days while playing as Pyke. Despite having a respectable KDA at the 18-minute mark, a series of unfortunate events led to Tyler1 wasting his Summoner Spells and losing the dragon.

In an attempt to eliminate the enemy LeBlanc, Tyler1 roamed to the mid lane. Utilizing Ghostwater Dive (W) and Phantom Undertow (E), he closed the gap and was within range to hit LeBlanc with Bone Skewer (Q), a move that would have likely resulted in a kill. Unfortunately, Tyler1 missed the crucial skill shot, leading to an embarrassing moment.

However, Tyler1 didn’t give up easily. He followed up his missed Q with Flash and Ignite to secure a kill. But to his dismay, he realized that he had set LeBlanc’s clone on fire instead of the real champion, resulting in no gold or experience gained.

To make matters worse, the enemy team capitalized on the situation and took the opportunity to secure a free mountain drake. Despite all of this, Tyler1 managed to ultimately win the game, achieving a 44 percent kill participation, as reported on

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