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Tyler1 celebrates his first Baron steal achievement as a jungler

Twitch Streamer Tyler “Tyler1” Steinkamp Celebrates First Baron Steal on Stream

Twitch streamer Tyler “Tyler1” Steinkamp had a reason to celebrate during his recent broadcast as he successfully stole Baron as a jungler in League of Legends.

During the live stream, Tyler1 replayed the moment to congratulate himself for the impressive play.

With the Baron’s health dwindling, Tyler1 used Lee Sin’s Q ability to enter the pit and quickly smited the Baron, stealing it from the enemy team. The words “Your team has stolen Baron Nashor” flashed on the screen, causing Tyler1 to erupt with joy.

While watching the replay, Tyler1 clapped, pointed at himself, and proudly declared that he had accomplished the feat. The Baron steal played a significant role in securing a victory for Tyler1 and his team.

This season, Tyler1 decided to switch things up by starting an unranked to Challenger series, focusing on playing jungle only. This change has been entertaining for viewers, as the AD carry main wanted to explore a new role. With a 58% win rate overall and a 68% win rate on Lee Sin, Tyler1 has reached Diamond four.

For fans interested in watching more of Tyler1’s gameplay, they can tune in to his Twitch channel, where he continues to showcase his skills in the jungle.

Twitch streamer, Tyler1, Baron steal, jungler, League of Legends, livestream, Lee Sin, victory, unranked to Challenger series, AD carry, Diamond four, win rate, Twitch channel, gameplay