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Two outstanding junglers display exceptional skills in the support role during LoL Patch 13.16

Two Champions Rising in Win Rates Across Multiple Roles on League of Legends Patch 13.16

League of Legends Patch 13.16 is seeing the rise of two champions, Maokai and Amumu, who are excelling in both the jungle and support positions. These champions have been popular flex picks in professional play and solo queue for quite some time.

Maokai currently holds a win rate of 51.65 percent in the jungle and a 52.39 percent win rate as a support on Patch 13.16. These win rates place them in the top 10 among all champions in their respective positions, according to the stats site

Amumu’s win rates are also impressive, with a 51.82 percent win rate as a jungler and a 51.42 percent win rate as a support. These win rates also rank in the top 10 among their respective positions, according to

LoL player hits Amumu bandage from a full screen away to counter ultimate

Historically, both Maokai and Amumu have been played as flex champions, with their primary role being in the jungle. However, Amumu’s viability as a support increased in 2021 with the addition of a second charge to his Bandage Toss (Q) ability, granting stronger engage potential. Maokai, on the other hand, became popular as a solo laner and support after finding success as a jungler.

In professional play, Maokai is the more popular choice, with a Summer Split presence rate of 62.4 percent in major regions, while Amumu’s presence rate is only 0.9 percent, according to Games of Legends.

However, in solo queue, both Maokai and Amumu are viable options. If you prefer playing jungle and/or support in ranked games, it would be beneficial to consider picking up one or both of these champions.