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Two champions maintained a perfect pick-ban rate in the first week of the 2023 LEC Winter Split.

Lucian and Ryze Dominate the Meta in the LEC Winter Split

The 2023 LEC Winter Split is underway and after one week of play, the competitive League of Legends meta is already showing its colors. Two champions, Lucian and Ryze, have emerged as the top priority picks in the league, maintaining a 100 percent draft presence throughout all three game days.

Lucian, known for his high damage output and superior mobility, has become one of the most contested AD carry champions in professional play worldwide. When paired with enchanter support Nami, he becomes an unstoppable force. In the LEC, Lucian has an impressive 100 percent pick-ban rate, according to data from Oracle’s Elixir.

Despite only winning one out of three games played, Lucian has proven to be a crucial asset for any team composition. He boasts an 82.1 percent share of his team’s total kills, making him a primary leader on the Rift.

On the other hand, Ryze may not have flashy stats like Lucian, but his ultimate ability allows him to make game-winning plays. This has earned him a 100 percent draft presence in the LEC, despite winning only one game so far this split.

Ryze’s versatility as a duelist and splitpusher, combined with his Realm Warp ultimate that allows him and his teammates to appear anywhere on the map, makes him a strategic choice for teams looking to outmaneuver their opponents.

Other Champions Making Waves in the LEC

In addition to Lucian and Ryze, champions like Maokai and Yuumi have also seen a rise in priority status in pick-ban. These champions hover around the 100 percent draft presence range, indicating their significance in team compositions. However, some fans have expressed concerns about the stagnant nature of drafts, as they can often predict how each team’s composition will look before the game even begins.

Despite these concerns, the LEC Winter Split continues to showcase the dominance of Lucian and Ryze, as well as the evolving meta in professional League of Legends.

League of Legends, LEC, Winter Split, Lucian, Ryze, meta, champion picks, pick-ban rate