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TSM’s Prospects for NA LCS Playoffs Increase Following Week’s Performance

TSM’s Playoff Hopes Revived with Back-to-Back Wins

It has been a rough year for TSM in the NA LCS, but things are starting to look up. After a disappointing split last season, where they failed to reach the finals for the first time, TSM’s journey this Summer Split has been filled with uncertainty. However, in a surprising turn of events, they emerged victorious in both their matches against CLG and 100 Thieves in the eighth week of competitive play.

This weekend’s back-to-back wins have revived TSM’s hopes of making it to the playoffs. It’s a major improvement from their performance last week, where things looked bleak. With these recent victories, TSM’s chances of securing a playoff spot are looking promising.

Team Liquid Poses the Biggest Threat

TSM’s remaining schedule only poses a serious threat from Team Liquid. While OpTic has shown some improvement lately, it’s difficult to bet on their success considering their performance in the earlier stages of the split. On the other hand, Team Liquid has consistently proven themselves to be the top team in the league, albeit not as dominant as TSM during their prime.

However, this season has shown us that schedules alone don’t determine outcomes. We have witnessed underdog teams like the Golden Guardians, OpTic, CLG, and Clutch taking down some of the strongest teams week after week. So, there is still a strong possibility that OpTic might upset TSM. Nevertheless, if TSM can maintain the level of performance they showcased this weekend, they stand a good chance.

TSM Overcoming Communication Issues

A major issue plaguing TSM this split has been a lack of synergy among their players. There seems to be a disconnect between various lanes during the laning phase, be it between the jungle and mid, bot and support, or top and jungle. The team appears to suffer from a mix of trust issues and miscommunication. However, this weekend’s performance indicates that TSM is on the right path to resolving these issues.

While there were still some hiccups, especially during the mid-game against 100 Thieves, TSM noticeably improved. If they can maintain their momentum and continue addressing their shortcomings, TSM might have a chance at redemption in the upcoming finals.

TSM, NA LCS, playoffs, back-to-back wins, Team Liquid, OpTic, communication issues