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TSM seeks vengeance against Apollo, Hakuho, and Echo Fox in Spring Split playoffs

TSM’s Dominance in the LCS Spring Split

TSM’s jungler Matthew “Akaadian” Higginbotham confidently stated that TSM’s wrath will be swift after their rough start in the 2019 LCS Spring Split. Many laughed at his assertion, but as it turned out, he was prophetic.

After a rocky start, TSM bounced back in the third week of the season and dominated their opponents until the end of the split. They won 11 out of their last 12 games, only losing to Cloud9 in week six. TSM triumphed over Team Liquid in both of their season series and defeated all other teams they faced.

Echo Fox, TSM’s quarterfinals opponents, had a tough time leading up to this matchup. They suffered six consecutive losses starting from week seven, and it seemed like things were dire for the roster. However, they made a turnaround after bringing back Lee “Rush” Yoon-jae as their starting jungler.

A Kind Boy’s Touch and Echo Fox’s Transformation

Echo Fox experienced a transformation in the last couple of weeks, thanks in part to Rush’s return. Through weeks eight and nine, they appeared to be a completely different team. With solid team play and standout performances from key players, they have the potential to derail TSM’s hype train.

A Top-Jungle Duel

Colin “Solo” Everest has been a standout player for Echo Fox during their hot streak. His exceptional performance on Aatrox against Team Liquid and strong showings on Vladimir the week before have been noteworthy. Although Solo may not have the best stats for the season, his momentum heading into the playoffs could make a big difference for his team.

Rush, Echo Fox’s jungler, needs to step up and have a strong series to support his team. Echo Fox flourishes when Rush performs well and provides great assistance to the lanes. Outplaying Akaadian in a five-game series will be challenging, but anything is possible in the playoffs.

Meanwhile, Akaadian has made his mark during TSM’s 12-game winning streak, especially when paired with rookie Sergen “Broken Blade” Çelik. Despite being a rookie, Broken Blade has displayed a fearless attitude and proven his skills, ranking first in kills among all LCS top laners with 37. However, he also has one of the highest death counts with 34. He needs to stay composed in high-pressure situations and avoid jeopardizing the team’s success with costly mistakes.

Bjergsen’s Consistency

Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg has once again showcased his impressive skills this season. Despite not being in the spotlight, his consistent play has significantly contributed to TSM’s success. Bjergsen dominates the laning phase, leading all NA mid laners in average gold difference at 10 minutes and average experience difference at 10 minutes. He also has a 33 percent first blood rate, the highest among LCS mid laners. His adaptability and reduced number of mistakes make him a formidable opponent.

Second Chances – Zven’s Resentment

When Zven looks across the Rift, he may feel some resentment towards Apollo Price and Nickolas “Hakuho” Surgent. This duo was part of the bottom lane that eliminated TSM from the playoffs last spring, albeit on a different team. Zven may seek revenge in this series.

Apollo and Hakuho have been a consistent duo in the league and played a crucial role in Echo Fox’s success this season. They excel in kill participation percentage and will be relied upon to bring firepower for Echo Fox this weekend.

On the other hand, Andy “Smoothie” Ta has seamlessly transitioned into his role with TSM. His performance in the bottom lane has helped TSM gain control during the early laning phase. Zven is among the top three in average gold difference at 10 minutes, average experience difference at 10 minutes, and average CS difference at 10 minutes.

Although TSM is the clear favorite to win this series against Echo Fox, anything can happen in the playoffs. Will Solo, Apollo, and Hakuho shatter the hearts of TSM fans again, or will TSM continue their quest for their seventh LCS trophy?

TSM, LCS Spring Split, Echo Fox, matchups, dominance, playoffs, revenge, consistency, top-jungle tussle