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TSM Maneuvers Past Tilt: NA LCS 2016 Summer Split Day 3, Week 8 Recap.

NA LCS Week 8 Recap

This is a summary of the Day 3 highlights from Week 8 of the North American League Championship Series (NA LCS).

Team Liquid dominates NRG Esports

Team Liquid (TL) showed no mercy as they swept NRG Esports in a 2-0 victory.

Game 1: TL took an early advantage and never looked back, with mid laner Kim “Fenix” Jae-hoon leading the charge with an impressive performance as Vladmir.

Game 2: NRG had no answer for TL’s dominance, as jungler Joshua “Dardoch” Hartnett secured kills left and right as Hecarim.

Team SoloMid continues their winning streak against Team EnVyUs

Team SoloMid (TSM) continued their winning streak with a convincing 2-0 victory over Team EnVyUs (NV).

Game 1: TSM showed no signs of weakness as they controlled the map and secured objectives, with jungler Dennis “Svenskeren” Johnsen shining as Nidalee.

Game 2: TSM’s dominance continued, with mid laner Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg leading the charge and securing an impressive 93% kill participation ratio as Karma.

Cloud9 outperforms Phoenix1

Cloud9 (C9) had a strong showing against Phoenix1 (P1), securing a 2-0 victory.

Game 1: C9 took control of the game at the 28-minute mark and never looked back, with mid laner Nicolaj “Jensen” Jensen leading the team to victory as Cassiopeia.

Game 2: C9’s ADC Zachary “Sneaky” Scuderi stole the show with a pentakill as Jhin, further solidifying C9’s dominance.

Counter Logic Gaming defeats Echo Fox

Counter Logic Gaming (CLG) secured a convincing 2-0 victory against Echo Fox (EF).

Game 1: Despite a close game with constant action, CLG’s mid laner Choi “Huhi” Jae-hyun led the team to victory as Cassiopeia.

Game 2: Huhi continued his strong performance, this time as Malzahar, as CLG dominated EF throughout the match.

What are your thoughts on the matches from Week 8? Let us know in the comments or on our Twitter – @GAMURScom.

NA LCS, esports, League of Legends, Week 8, Team Liquid, NRG Esports, Team SoloMid, Team EnVyUs, Cloud9, Phoenix1, Counter Logic Gaming, Echo Fox