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TSM Continues to Chase the Dream at Worlds 2016

The League of Legends World Championship Game 9: Team SoloMid vs Samsung Galaxy

The ninth game of the League of Legends World Championship just ended. Team SoloMid (TSM) from NA went up against the LCK’s Samsung Galaxy (SSG).

TSM: TOP: Kennen; JNG: Lee Sin; MID: Syndra; ADC: Jhin; SUP: Braum

SSG: TOP: Rumble; JNG: Elise; MID: Varus; ADC: Ezreal; SUP: Alistar

BANS: Tahm Kench/Jayce/Vladimir; Nidalee/Sivir/Cassiopeia

TSM went with a strong crowd control (CC) composition to lock down SSG players, while SSG focused on a poke composition to pick off enemy champions.

The game started off slow, with both teams poking at each other and leaving everyone at half HP. Svenskeren from TSM invaded Ambition’s jungle, resulting in a 2-0 lead for TSM. Bjergsen from TSM solo-killed Crown mid-lane, further increasing TSM’s lead. Bjergsen and Svenskeren then roamed top and secured another kill for TSM.

Later, TSM grouped around dragon pit and managed to secure another kill against SSG, thanks to Biofrost’s blocking abilities. TSM continued dominating the game, engaging in a 5v5 fight under SSG’s tower and increasing their kill lead to 8-1.

TSM was now significantly ahead in gold and had control over SSG’s jungle and lanes. SSG couldn’t contest TSM at any objectives and had to constantly escape from TSM’s aggression. With a CS and item advantage in every lane, TSM looked unstoppable.

TSM attempted a bush trick, but SSG didn’t fall for it. They then pushed towards Baron, securing a double kill and an inhibitor. Despite SSG taking a tower in return, TSM was still ahead in gold. They continued their dominance, winning fight after fight and shutting down SSG systematically. The game ended with TSM winning 18-1.

After this match, both TSM and SSG are tied 1-1 in the tournament.

What has been your favorite moment from Worlds so far?

League of Legends, World Championship, esports, TSM, Samsung Galaxy