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[Translation] Week 8 day 3: Professional Casters Cover LPL Matches

Guest for Day 3: WenJianGun (YG’s sub mid) and QiJing (King’s analyst)

OMG vs. Snake

Game 1: Pre-game Banter

Hostess: Today we have OMG vs. Snake, the old 4 protect 1 comp. vs. the new! Snake hasn’t shown the same dominance as when they entered LPL.

QJ: Yes, Snake’s players haven’t adjusted to the new champions due to the fast patches update.

Hostess: I heard that Cloud and Uzi are fixed for OMG’s bot lane. They are definitely playing Uzi today. Do you think OMG will lane swap bot?

WJG: Yes, if they pick Sivir they will swap. Looking at Snake’s ADC, he does look strong. But new teams always start strong and then fade toward the end. Everyone is hoping Kryst4l can pick up his skills again.

QJ: (Talking about WE’s performance at IEM) I ran into XiaoXiao. He told me WE was thinking about running either Styz or Mystic after they return to LPL. But since they beat GET, it’s definitely going to be Mystic playing from now on.

Hostess: When OMG is at a disadvantage in a game, they don’t hold their ground as well. Everybody on OMG wants to play safe, but Uzi wants to go in and kill himself. Looking at Snake, they were like the old OMG, but the dark horse fell off real quick.

QJ: Mostly their champions all got hit with a nerf bat. In scrims right now they are practicing a new bunch of champions. After researching Snake’s current champions, their top laner loves to use Hecarim, and mid likes to use Viktor.

Pick & ban

QJ: OMG bans Nunu to target Snake. Whenever Snake is on purple side, they have an 80% chance to pick Nunu. He pairs too well with any ADC.

WJG: I feel Lee isn’t as strong as other jungler. Both junglers just farm in the early game. Lee can’t do too much early and he falls off late. Looks like Snake picking Maokai and Xerath to farm to late game.

QJ: Ya Maokai can 1v5 late game, super OP. Oh, Zed pick against Xerath — a very easy matchup for Zed.

WJG: Bot lane is in favor of OMG. Kalista can dodge Corki’s skill shots very well, and Thresh can flay away Leona.

QJ: I feel OMG might lane swap, or Uzi is going to get camped again with their match up advantage.


WJG: Nobody expected Snake to win. I thought Snake lost at their towers, but Xerath hard carried.

QJ: Ya, OMG’s early game tempo is off. Nidalee kept camping Rumble and nobody helped him. The key focus of Snake’s comp is Leona. She shuts down Kalista too hard. Leona and Nidalee’s duo roam is also too strong early game. Loveling overhelped OMG’s bot lane but left Gogoing to die.

QJ: Uzi must be mad that he won lane so hard but got focused by Leona in team fights. But Leona is still too weak in the early game, you have to wait until level 3 to do anything.

Game 2: Pre-game Banter

Hostess: LGD got schooled yesterday by EDG in the second game.

QJ: Ya, they lost hard in the second game due to a lane swap. Clearlove’s Nunu and Leona destroyed LGD with dual roaming.

Hostess: M3 = Must be 3rd place.

QJ: It was supposed to mean Masters. But in Chinese, 3 means retreat. So their team = Must retreat.

Pick & ban

QJ: LGD has a 100% win rate over M3 on blue side, and a 70% blue side win rate overall. LGD bans Xerath and Corki, two champions that can do well regardless of laning.

QJ: M3’s new jungler used to be WE.A’s trial jungler. He is a relatively new player, never played any competitive games except for LPL. Listening to our Korean coach, Acorn’s Rumble is #1 in Korea.

WJG: I think the first team to use Kalista is Imp on LGD. He didn’t use her very well at first, but then everybody learned how to dodge skill shots as Kalista.

QJ: Cho’gath is a disgusting champion with strong wave clear, survivability, and CC. He can also block choke points. Wow, Ryze, nobody picked him for many patches after the nerf.

WJG: Looks like Dade is going to roll his face over the keyboard then get silenced by Cho’gath.

QJ: M3’s comp relies on Hecarim and Rengar. They run really fast, Ryze can keep up with his ult move speed but the rest is hard to say.


WJG: Look at Weiless laughing, “do you think this tastes good?”

QJ: Dade is probably thinking about what he did wrong that game. I think LGD tricked M3 by picking Cho’gath and ruined M3’s comp. They didn’t expect Weiless to pick Cho, but they countered themselves by picking Ryze into it.

Game 2: Pre-game Banter

Hostess: LGD got schooled yesterday by EDG in the second game.

QJ: Ya, they lost hard in the second game due to a lane swap. Clearlove’s Nunu and Leona destroyed LGD with dual roaming.

Hostess: M3 = Must be 3rd place.

QJ: It was supposed to mean Masters. But in Chinese, 3 means retreat. So their team = Must retreat.

Pick & ban

QJ: LGD has a 100% win rate over M3 on blue side, and a 70% blue side win rate overall. LGD bans Xerath and Corki, two champions that can do well regardless of laning.

QJ: M3’s new jungler used to be WE.A’s trial jungler. He is a relatively new player, never played any competitive games except for LPL. Listening to our Korean coach, Acorn’s Rumble is #1 in Korea.

WJG: I think the first team to use Kalista is Imp on LGD. He didn’t use her very well at first, but then everybody learned how to dodge skill shots as Kalista.

QJ: Cho’gath is a disgusting champion with strong wave clear, survivability, and CC. He can also block choke points. Wow, Ryze, nobody picked him for many patches after the nerf.

WJG: Looks like Dade is going to roll his face over the keyboard then get silenced by Cho’gath.


WJG: Look at Weiless laughing, “do you think this tastes good?”

QJ: Dade is probably thinking about what he did wrong that game. I think LGD tricked M3 by picking Cho’gath and ruined M3’s comp. They didn’t expect Weiless to pick Cho, but they countered themselves by picking Ryze into it.

LGD vs. M3

Game 1: Pre-game Banter

Hostess: LGD got schooled yesterday by EDG in the second game.

QJ: Ya, they lost hard in the second game due to a lane swap. Clearlove’s Nunu and Leona destroyed LGD with dual roaming.

Hostess: M3 = Must be 3rd place.

QJ: It was supposed to mean Masters. But in Chinese, 3 means retreat. So their team = Must retreat.

Pick & ban

QJ: LGD has a 100% win rate over M3 on blue side, and a 70% blue side win rate overall. LGD bans Xerath and Corki, two champions that can do well regardless of laning.

QJ: M3’s new jungler used to be WE.A’s trial jungler. He is a relatively new player, never played any competitive games except for LPL. Listening to our Korean coach, Acorn’s Rumble is #1 in Korea.

WJG: I think the first team to use Kalista is Imp on LGD. He didn’t use her very well at first, but then everybody learned how to dodge skill shots as Kalista.

QJ: Cho’gath is a disgusting champion with strong wave clear, survivability, and CC. He can also block choke points. Wow, Ryze, nobody picked him for many patches after the nerf.


WJG: Look at Weiless laughing, “do you think this tastes good?”

QJ: Dade is probably thinking about what he did wrong that game. I think LGD tricked M3 by picking Cho’gath and ruined M3’s comp. They didn’t expect Weiless to pick Cho, but they countered themselves by picking Ryze into it.

Game 2: Pre-game Banter

Pick & ban

QJ: M3 bans Cho, too disgusting of a champion.

WJG: I think M3 wants to play another comp., they don’t want to play Cho either.

QJ: Must be weird for LGD’s support, not sure whether to protect his carries or go in. I think Zed is a good pick against Viktor. Weiless picks Ahri; Ahri is weak this patch. Both teams are picking double AP comp. Everybody is going to spam skills in team fights. Sivir is going to use ult and everybody is going to rush in.


WJG: Nobody expects LGD to lose. I think LGD messed up the dragon fights hard. Felt like I am going to fall asleep watching this game.

QJ: We should also re-watch how the Gromp slowly licked PYL to death.

Hostess: Well, everyone is going 1:1 this week. Ranking stays the same.

Follow me @stevenyuzk for the latest updates! You will also find me on LiquidLegends!

esports news, Snake, OMG, pick and ban, Kalista, Cho’gath, LGD, M3